Multiple U.S. personnel wounded in missile attack on base in Iraq by Iranian-backed militants – IOTW Report

Multiple U.S. personnel wounded in missile attack on base in Iraq by Iranian-backed militants

There are multiple U.S. personnel being evaluated for traumatic brain injuries.

18 Comments on Multiple U.S. personnel wounded in missile attack on base in Iraq by Iranian-backed militants

  1. There is a price to pay for having a weak feckless dotard sitting in the oval office. Unfortunately, that price is paid by our military, our allies and the American people.

  2. Says one who votes to keep Gym Jordan in office, you gots your freckless dotard mixed up.
    Let alone Tommy Tuberware-ville who couldn’t coach his way out of paperbag, who held up over 300 top military promotions. You best go back to mommy’s basement & regroup.

  3. Isn’t it great to have an anonymous bastard criticizing you, and you don’t have any idea which anonymous bastard you would reply to. And how would the anonymouse know who you might have voted for. No doubt a chicken shit trouble maker just stirring up shit without knowing what he’s talking about.

  4. Presidunce Shitferbrains is not alive. He is just a bloated bag of botoxed flesh. He lives in a pool of formaldehyde and they take him out adn prop him up now and then
    He is the stupidest dead person.

    You should do more pet portraits. I just looked at all of them

  5. What would Ron do.
    Send his wife over to step in between.
    Glad he is out. He Will not fool us again.
    He is and will be a kept man, they have their hooks in him,
    never to be trusted again.

  6. @joe6pak, and more often than not, their comments are cleverly vague and are supposed to impress us – rather than being explicit, logical and succinct (i.e., well presented, at least, if also wrong). Half the time, I don’t know what they’re talking about or who they’re addressing.

  7. How would I know who he votes for? Easy peasy, switch-out my hat to the official republicon tinfoil hat & turn on Faux News give the misses a good-ole crotch squeeze. Ohio, who the hell else would he vote for?

  8. “You best go back to mommy’s basement & regroup.”

    Guess why this weak sister keep referencing mommies basement? Gym Jordan? The guy could squeeze this trolls until it popped like a zit. I’ll bet this guys in his moms basement in Europe. Probably a Scandinavian Country. They seem to be the most castrated.

  9. “traumatic brain injuries”…what exactly does that mean? Are the injuries all the same? Is Iran launching some evil, secret missile which Bidenizes its victims? And how come there are no other rtpes of injury?

    I’m not making light of the attack, but the Pentagon has become such a nest of lying, dissembling, incompetent dirtbags that nothing they say about anything can be trusted.

    And that includes “training” and “refueling” aircraft accidents which takes the lives of our troops.

    And did they ever find out what happened to those two SF who went MIA in a “boarding operation”? No? There’s a lot of hinky shit going on with our military.

  10. Thirdtwin
    MONDAY, 22 JANUARY 2024, 8:56 AT 8:56 AM
    ““traumatic brain injuries”…what exactly does that mean?”

    …I don’t know about this particular case. but generally speaking explosives most damaging weapon is sudden overdressed, so if they were in proximity to a blast but sheltered from or behind shrapnel spall it may be that did some damage, to the brain and other organs as well…

  11. SNS, thanks, that makes total sense. Again, I am not making light of wounded troops, but what other assets are being destroyed that we are not being told about? This “shadow war”, about which we are being fed limited hangouts, is starting to reek of incompetence and unpreparedness, and I think our enemies are smelling blood in the water…and on the sand.


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