Bowes: Evidence Mounts Georgia Elections Stolen And Officials Corrupt – IOTW Report

Bowes: Evidence Mounts Georgia Elections Stolen And Officials Corrupt

Georgia Record:

1. Fulton County admitted that they conducted zero signature verification on 380,000 absentee ballots in 2020. This affects all State and Federal races. None of those absentee ballots are legal. The Presidency and the U.S. Senate were stolen because of this violation of law. This stunning admission was in the Harrison Floyd defense hearing where Fulton County has been ordered to turn over 470,000 absentee ballot request, every signature file, the 380,000 returned absenette ballots, the 140,000 in person ballots, every memroy card, every chain of custody document, every tabulator, every memory card/USB.

13 Comments on Bowes: Evidence Mounts Georgia Elections Stolen And Officials Corrupt

  1. Multiply that by every Blue state!
    democRATz Lie, Cheat, Steal and Project!
    Oh…. and hate America. There is waaaaaaay too much tangible proof of that just by inserting Communism into our society or attempting to burn down our cities.

  2. So, all Trump’s court cases are falling apart – except maybe for the NYC one in which the judge has all the power… But that one isn’t a criminal case.

    Pray that Trump is protected from the additional spew of evil that will come for him.

  3. All the cases against Trump are fallen apart? That will be a bigly, NO! New York Fraud case, guilty $370 mill+ loss of all state of New York business licenses/properties ILLegally gained.
    Carroll defamation case, guilty was $5 mill, now add $10 mill more, if he continues to stick foot in mouth more millions. Georgia case, players might change but the case moves on. See his foolish supporters think he will get elected, DREAM ON !!!


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