Do You Boxed Wine? – IOTW Report

35 Comments on Do You Boxed Wine?

  1. If you need someone else to formulate your opinions, you need to get a life. “Life is not a dress rehearsal.”

    For a big party, boxes are fabulous. Especially when set up as “self-serve”.

    Besides, more often, the pairing with the right food makes or breaks the choice of wines.

  2. The boxed wines I use seem to be real wines and not just fruit juice with grain alcohol added to give a buzz. It is also subjective as to what type a wine you prefer. I enjoy many of the boxed wines but I would not put them in my wine cellar to enjoy them much past a year from date of purchase.

  3. “Probably from the billions of plastic particles and nano-particles they have recently discovered in plastic containers.”

    They’re saying that’s what killing Testosterone. I think there’s more than that doing it. But just the same I wont drink a bottled water. Or anything else that comes in a plastic bottle.

  4. Yeah, Brad, I believe there’s more to it as well. The over medication and over sterilization of just about everything is having and adverse effect on the natural chemistry of the human body. Sure, the lifespan may increase, but I don’t think the overall health has.

  5. Fine wine is wasted on my tastebuds/nose. Table wines are sufficient. Black Box Pinot Noir is a decent table red. I have ‘experimented’ on a couple people that thought they knew wine. They didn’t. They just knew how to read a lable.

  6. My dad tried to make wine from some grapes in our back yard years ago, he ended up with vinegar. The worst wine was some tomato wine which a friend had got from an old guy in his neighborhood. He brought it to our book and wine club, and it was so bad it was poured out before anyone even drank it.

  7. Walter
    WEDNESDAY, 24 JANUARY 2024, 14:12 AT 2:12 PM
    “Mogen David 20/20 light, for pairing with fish sticks or cheese doodles, and dark, for pairing with roller dogs or microwave burritos.”

    ..Anne Green Springs Peach Crisp as a mixer for Everclear 190 pairs your face nicely with the floor.

  8. We, my Brother and I, bought a half keg of Bitburger one time. Not Bitburger like Bitburger, but some kind of ancient erudite Monks who pissed in bottles.

    That was the only beer we dumped into the stream behind the house.

    All the frogs died. And the fish. Crawdads. A few turtles.


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