A reporter asked NSC’s John Kirby if the Biden administration was tracking carbon emissions from the aid flights to Israel and Ukraine – IOTW Report

A reporter asked NSC’s John Kirby if the Biden administration was tracking carbon emissions from the aid flights to Israel and Ukraine

How do you balance your desire to protect the environment with your desire to protect your allies?

9 Comments on A reporter asked NSC’s John Kirby if the Biden administration was tracking carbon emissions from the aid flights to Israel and Ukraine

  1. The US DOD is among the TOP TEN consumers of fossil fuels ON THE PLANET. The other 9 are ENTIRE COUNTRIES. Want to impact pollution and carbon emissions? Shut down the dozen or so “wars” we are involved in. Shut down the 1000+ overseas bases, installations, etc. and BRING ALL THE TROOPS home and put them on the northern and southern borders to finally stop the INVASION of this country.

  2. “I’m happy to take that question and provide you no answer because the Biden admin really doesn’t give a damn about the environment. Besides, when we do it there is no real impact.”

  3. i guess its out of the question to ask the president and the alphabet agency leaders to start driving ev’s. wonder how “the beast” and entourage would fare with a stop at the failed charging station in the no go zones of detroit, memphis, oakland, little rock. great example of a two tier system of self preservation.


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