Jeff DeWitt Resigns – IOTW Report

Jeff DeWitt Resigns

31 Comments on Jeff DeWitt Resigns

  1. “He used the opportunity to attack Lake and play the victim card, claiming she “cannot be trusted to engage in private and confidential conversations.” I think he’s saying that Kari Lake can’t be trusted to participate in an ongoing criminal conspiracy. In the political world that could be two strikes against her. And we need to know who these people back East are. Jeff DeWitt did not kill himself.

  2. He got caught. In other news; Meet the new boss, same as the old boss. The swamp is deep.

    Reason no. 1 for supporting Trump. He is not like all the others and they hate him because of it.

  3. “Waaah! No Fair! Just because she knew I was a criminally corrupt slimeball didn’t give her the right to sneakily record me BEING a criminally corrupt slimeball!”

    Chutzpah, thy name is DeWitt.

  4. Cynic

    Talk to me brother. Wife’s got a brother, sister, and all kinds of little offspring there and wants to relocate. I’m telling her screw that. The place is worse than where we’re at now. I don’t get it. I’m there enough to see the demographics. I’m freaken amazed some of the Libtard Plants aren’t swinging from a lamp post. AZ was obviously targeted as a state to invade by the DNC. Are the good citizens of Maricopa county going to fix this or should we just stay put. I don’t get it.


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