Texas Defies Feds — ‘We Will Continue to Deploy Razor Wire’ – IOTW Report

Texas Defies Feds — ‘We Will Continue to Deploy Razor Wire’

Breitbart– The Texas Military Department says it will continue to “hold the line in Shelby Park” in their efforts to “deter and prevent unlawful entry into the State of Texas.”

28 Comments on Texas Defies Feds — ‘We Will Continue to Deploy Razor Wire’

  1. The Babylon Bee does it again, Texas puts razor wire around the Alamo for final stand against Biden. And the ghost of Davey Crockett is manning the walls looking for the enemy. To paraphrase Pogo, “We have met the enemy, and the enemy is Biden.”

  2. Texas would do more good if they just looked the other way if Illegals just happen to get shot on sight by property owners when trespassing on posted property. Just make sure the signs are in English, Spanish, Mandarin, Farsi, Pashto, Azerbaijani and Arabic.

  3. Abbott is a cuck. The day Biden was declared the winner, he should have marshaled the TNG and secured that border. Instead he basically didn’t do a fucking thing for years as millions of illegal aliens poured across the border.

    Then he buses a few 1,000 to various cities? BFD.

    Aesop who used to be interesting but isn’t anymore, did write a beaut the other day detailing the steps that Texas needs to take including arresting & imprisoning any federal officials interfering in Texas.

    I don’t trust Abbott. He’s got ties to the WEF. Let’s see how this unfolds.

    Meanwhile here in Ignoranceville, WA state legislators are make the use of the words “sexual predator” illegal. Way to zero in on really pressing problems! Assholes.

  4. MMinWA – The day Biden was declared the winner, he should have marshaled the TNG and secured that border. Instead he basically didn’t do a fucking thing for years as millions of illegal aliens poured across the border.

    I disagree that he didn’t do anything for years.
    First of all the border was secure under Trump.
    Secondly Jackass Joe did a LOT to make sure illegal aliens poured across the border. He encouraged it, he enabled them, he fed them, he financed them, bussed them and flew them around the country while putting them up in luxury hotels.
    Thirdly he ACTIVELY worked to
    destroy our resources and research and developement
    Destroyed our oil reserves.
    Destroyed our armament.
    Destroyed the morals in this country.
    Armed terrorists with arms, ammunition, trucks, tanks, technology and aircraft along with Billions of dollars in “aid”
    Destroyed and demoralized our military.
    Destroyed and demoralized our Police.
    Destroyed our big cities.
    Destroyed our economy and set inflation thru the roof.
    Destroyed the Dollar.
    Destroyed our manufacturing supply chain.
    Destroyed our food distribution chain.
    Destroyed the world’s confidence in the United States!
    Divided the nation’s people along all lines of race, religion, gender, ethnicity, age, disabilities, political affiliation, economic status, gender identity and sexual preference.
    He has actively worked with China to accomplish all of the above, but more importantly he didn’t do this all alone. He ALLOWED the democRATz in the National Socialist Party (in lock-step with mayhem, chaos and the WEF) work behind the scenes to destroy the nation! Quite frankly this mansion-dwelling, nation-selling, speech-yelling, whopper-telling, kiddie-smelling, stumbling, bumbling, jacked up, cracked-up, pig-eyed dullard has been a busy little beaver for the last three years burning down anything he can!

  5. MMinWA – I see now that you were referring to Abbott. Personally I think the Jury is still out on Abbott, however you are right to say let’s see how this unfolds. I’m just not ready to condemn Abbott at this point, but you are right – he has been pretty benign until now.

  6. It’s quite obvious that those encouraging / promoting the invasion of this country are doing so to destroy it (along with other globalist policies). Unless something is done now, they will accomplish their goals. People supporting these liberal politicians are hastening their own demise through their ignorance. There is no doubt that we will suffer serious issues with the sheer numbers already here. If it is not stopped completely the future is bleak indeed. Social and economic collapse, terrorism, violence and increased criminal behavior is guaranteed.

  7. “This is unique in world politics because it prescribes that the Constitution is superior, not an individual, office, position or agency. This implies that should portions of the government direct other portions of the government to act in any way contrary to that Constitution, the portion doing the directing is unconstitutional and the portion being directed should refuse to violate their oath, even if that means refusing to follow the government order.” the people of Texas elected enforcement official “Sheriff” is the key to legally stop the foreign invasion directed by the federal government. the Sheriff should be directing all law enforcement (including the national guard), and answers only to his constituents and his constitutional oath. scotus must recognize the authority of the sheriff to enforce his constitutional oath. abbott should know this. abbott may be a meat puppet. the sheriff is the only elected enforcement official in play.

  8. @minwa

    Maybe it’s true Abbott did nothing for three years, but the step he took takes guts. He has probably anguished over taking it. Who wouldn’t? It’s a direct challenge to the Federal government, which has enormous power and controls a huge military.

    Many conservative governors are backing him. Who knows exactly how this support rolls out, but at least they have publicly stated support.

  9. I bet money that other states have violated many laws and are just standing down instead of enforcing laws that are on the books. These limp souls need to be gone by any means.

  10. There are bold moves a gov in Abbott’s position could take. Having your AG pencil a sternly worded response sure as fuck ain’t one of them. I guess I’m too primal but I’d skip any further discourse and deploy a fuckton of TNG, fully armed at the entire TX/Mexico border and deny any entry of anyone. Period. A few dozen dead illegals attempting to break our laws and violate the sovereignty of our border and these fucking caravans come to an end.

    How many millions more? Shift the spotlight onto the scummy cunt gov in AZ or the other scummy cunt in CA but make Texas inviolate.

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