Tranny Veterans Sue to Force VA to Cover Sex-Change Surgeries – IOTW Report

Tranny Veterans Sue to Force VA to Cover Sex-Change Surgeries

The lawsuit from the Transgender American Veterans Association seeks to compel the VA to codify in its regulations verbal assurances the department has made that it would begin providing those services, said Rebekka Eshler, the president of the association.

14 Comments on Tranny Veterans Sue to Force VA to Cover Sex-Change Surgeries

  1. The VA already has its hands full providing for illegals and ignoring Vets with actual physical issues.
    Now the mutilation advocates want to muck things up even more.
    Obiden will probably do it.

  2. Tansexuality is a mental disorder. It is well beyond the state of our medical technology to make use legitimate switch of brains. bodies and associated internal plumbing.

  3. Wow! I guess any younger people seeing a rerun of MASH would be all confused about Klinger seeking his section 8…..

  4. Be careful what you wish for veterans. That surgery is more brutal than any military training you’ll ever get. But heh, anything to make your life miserable I’m all in for, what took you so long to sue? Trump will help you, he’s working hard for you he says.


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