Icky Germs Through History – IOTW Report

Icky Germs Through History

When looking back through human history, one would be hard-pressed to find an era, civilization, or community that has not been impacted by an infectious disease outbreak. From the bubonic plague to influenza to cholera, epidemics and pandemics the world over have come in many shapes, sizes, and death tolls. But sometimes, the death toll alone doesn’t reflect the true, lasting impact that specific infectious disease outbreaks had on the populations they infected – or those nearby.

9 Comments on Icky Germs Through History

  1. Trying to pretend that the man-made (or man-enhanced) Chinese flu scam was similar to the long line of natural diseases.
    Anthropogenic CoVid-19 is certainly more real than anthropogenic globaloney warming/climate change.

    Disingenuous at best.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …


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