155 Democrats Vote Against Deporting Illegal Aliens Who Rob America’s Seniors by Committing Social Security Fraud – IOTW Report

 155 Democrats Vote Against Deporting Illegal Aliens Who Rob America’s Seniors by Committing Social Security Fraud

Most of the Democrats in the House would prefer to let illegals drain the wallets of our seniors than send them back where they came from.

16 Comments on  155 Democrats Vote Against Deporting Illegal Aliens Who Rob America’s Seniors by Committing Social Security Fraud

  1. Peanuts, not even a rounding error, when juxtaposed with what Democrats and the Republican establishment have stolen.

    That being said, it’s just more evidence of what I have been posting for a decade. There isn’t a single follower of the progressive movement who has any capacity for compassion whatsoever. If they are expounding on their concern for any vulnerable population, their are motivated by malicious intent. They are engaged in exploiting them to advance their own agenda. I mean every word of that literally and without reservation.

  2. I’m acquainted with a Marine Veteran who can’t get surgery(s) because of changes made by the biden admin. I think I may start a crowd funded penny jar for this man. It’s evil how scumbag invaders get benefits and US Citizens get the shaft.

  3. How long has the unfounded baseless rumor circulated that republicans want to eliminate social security?

    Yet not a single republican will come out and say, with clear cut evidence based on the voting record of 155 democrats, that democrats want to funnel your social security money to illegals.

  4. 55 voted for it, WTF! It shouldn’t of been any. Those 55 need to get with the program, put on their flip-flops & pull a republiCON. Tell them you got everything you need for deporting illegals use the existing laws. Washington DC needs to succeed & kick all the republicons out. Sadly the bill, H.R. 6678 passed.

  5. Why the fuck do we need more laws? If the bastards are here illegally then everything they do is illegal and deportation should be a given. But here we are, the assholes in congress arguing what we should do with illegals who, what for it, break the law.

  6. SS was a ponzi scheme from the gitgo! The uni-party has been robbing it from the beginning. I’m very surprised that there is anything left to steal. And Granny dying was always part of the plan.

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