Republicans Demand Drafts of Joe Biden’s Speech on Firing Burisma Prosecutor – IOTW Report

Republicans Demand Drafts of Joe Biden’s Speech on Firing Burisma Prosecutor

Breitbart: The impeachment inquiry sent a demand letter to White House Counsel Edward Siskel on Wednesday requesting the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) provide all drafts of then-Vice President Joe Biden’s speech about firing Burisma Holdings’ prosecutor Viktor Shokin. more

6 Comments on Republicans Demand Drafts of Joe Biden’s Speech on Firing Burisma Prosecutor

  1. How many years ago? Good timing uniparty assholes! Are you just now seeing the video for the first time? It’s unbelievable how lame the rinos are! The TRAITOROUS BASTARDS are a cancer on our country! Either has to be removed or it kills us!


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