He’s Right. – IOTW Report

He’s Right.

*Language Warning*

23 Comments on He’s Right.

  1. In the last 3 years my monthly expenses have gone up ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS. EVERY MONTH. My income has gone up ZERO. I’m still working despite being past retirement age AND disabled. So over this…

  2. I think I’ll send this to Janet Mills-stone.
    One of my sons makes almost $60k yr and can’t afford an apt.
    One room studios go for around $2000 mo while Mills is giving free everything to the illegals.

    As a matter of fact, I’m sending it to the spineless Rs in our Legislature too.

  3. take him at his word. he is a man just like you, maybe trying to feed a family. the devilcrats treat him and his fellow blacks like house pets. about time he got angry. now we have to encourage him as to where to direct his anger.

  4. Parasitism is the thread that binds the coalitions of Democrat freeloaders together. They are like a bunch of fucking seagulls once the bait boy has getter and filleted the catch and washes what is left over the bow. They are at each other’s throats and it’s a Donnybrook.

    The Democrats have caused this and the Republican establishment enabled it. Both are a scandal and a disgrace to humanity and neither is one bit better than the other.

  5. Fuck the Dems I’m pissed at the Republicans that allow this shit. It’s we the people. I’m sick of people saying I’m voting for the least of the two evils. That means more patriots need to run for government. No more RHINOS!!! I can’t believe its taking the masses this long to get angry.

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