Tesla will hold a shareholder vote to incorporate in Texas after Delaware pay snub – IOTW Report

Tesla will hold a shareholder vote to incorporate in Texas after Delaware pay snub

Elon Musk said late Wednesday that Tesla will hold a shareholder vote on whether to transfer the electric car maker’s state of incorporation to Texas.

The billionaire asked his followers via a straw poll on X, formerly Twitter, whether Tesla should change the state where it is incorporated to Texas, where its physical headquarters are. More than 80% of those who voted said yes. Polls on the social media platform are informal and not comparable to professional public opinion research.

After the poll, Musk said, Tesla “will move immediately to hold a shareholder vote to transfer state of incorporation to Texas.” Musk will likely have to seek approval from the Tesla board to enact such a move. Tesla is currently incorporated in Delaware. more

9 Comments on Tesla will hold a shareholder vote to incorporate in Texas after Delaware pay snub

  1. How izzit some pisstawf lefty judge can just shoot down something like this? Some guy who has two shares sues? And what does he think Musk would Do with the money? Stuff it in a cookie jar or use it for development of more grand ideas?

  2. If successful, Texas should thank Delaware by sending several thousand illegal aliens to Delaware, all carrying signs that say, “If it wasn’t for Joe Biden we wouldn’t be here.”

  3. “Never incorporate your company in the state of Delaware,”

    By golly, now that’s whutcha call a giant Middle Finger to that “stupid sonavabitch” Jackass Joe!!

  4. I can’t imagine building a company, paying billions in taxes, employing tens of thousands and being told what the hell I can do with it. I would likely shut it down just on principle.

  5. ^^^^^^ Here’s a real Rocket Surgeon. If anybody was played and beaten, it’s the state of California. Do you have ANY conception of how much tax dollars California will lose? No you don’t. Because you’re just not that bright.


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