Bad Joke Friday! – IOTW Report

Bad Joke Friday!

With Wendy and Brock from the Wendy Bell Radio Show.

32 Comments on Bad Joke Friday!

  1. A pedophile, retard and dementia patient walk into a bar,

    What will you have?

    The pedo said I’ll have a Shirley Temple, the tard said I’ll have a Bud, the dementia patient said, I’ll have a sniff of the Ole hair of the dog.

    The bartender said sorry Joe. Shirley, Bud, and Harry the dog all left the second you shuffled in but we still have a hooker named Jill in the corner…

  2. Two guys sitting at a bar.
    One guy sees a woman at the far end.
    He asks his friend “Is that Hortense”
    The other takes a look at her and says “No, she’s just a little nervous”.

  3. When I was young and stupid, my go to pick up line was “Come on baby, light my fire.”

    I didnt get laid very often, but I did become well acquainted with the extended organ solo

  4. There was a young woman named Helen
    Whose tits were each large as a melon.
    But when she got liberated
    Those tits her debilitated.
    So she posted on Facebook to sell ’em.

  5. Boris Ivan the old Russian Commissar
    Shit, pissed, and spat in his Samovar.
    A pervert named Lee
    Stopped by for some tea
    And exclaimed “Quite the best that I’ve had so far!”


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