FOIA Documents Reveal Government Officials Notified of Election Fraud in Michigan Following Election Day in 2020 – IOTW Report

FOIA Documents Reveal Government Officials Notified of Election Fraud in Michigan Following Election Day in 2020


In July 2023, Michigan Attorney General Dana Nessel (D-MI) charged 16 Republican Electors with political crimes in connection with the controversial 2020 Presidential election.

The ALTERNATE electors in Michigan, many of them senior citizens, were charged with eight felonies each, which could mean spending the rest of their lives in prison if AG Nessel has her way.

Each of the 16 defendants was charged with the following felonies: more

11 Comments on FOIA Documents Reveal Government Officials Notified of Election Fraud in Michigan Following Election Day in 2020

  1. “Nessel & Benson need to see the inside of a cell.”

    Nessel & Benson need to see the inside of a gibbet.

    Fixed it for ya!
    You’re welcome!

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  2. How about: no justice no snow plows, no zambonies, no trucks, no tractors, no trains, no auto workers, no fill in the blank… blue flu might go around like in NYC….DO SOMETHING PEOPLE

  3. Part of the problem in Michigan are the RINO’s in the MiGOP. A new leader, Kristina Karamo was elected by the patriots up here and the establishment GOPe have their knives out.
    Even Trump has been duped by Pete Hoekstra, a man that has been in politics here in the state for a long time and not to be trusted.
    Interesting is some quirky things goin on here go back to when Rona McDanials was working with MiGOP before she got the big cushy job she has now.

  4. Remember the feeling you had when the second plane crashed into the South Tower?
    You should be feeling the same thing right now, if not for the past three years!
    So my question to republicans is: You have known for three years that our nation has been in peril. Do we impeach Biden and his fellow travelers for obvious and provable high crimes and treason now, or just wait some more until disaster really hits?

    And don’t be surprised if the American people hold you culpable as well for looking the other way and ignoring the situation for so long!

  5. She’s a lesbian. The homo thing eventually disturbs the rest of their outlook. It turns them into evil engagers and supporters of everything foul. Like support for the slaughter of innocents. They have no idea how repulsive they are to normal people.

    Once a person engages in evil, there is nothing to stop them from further evil acts. They have flung open the doors to Satan.

  6. WY resident and registered to vote here. Contacted my old MI county clerk to cancel my MI registration months PRIOR to the election by phone. Come election, me, my wife and my son who does not live with us received absentee ballots which came from the SOS. MI is a lost state.



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