Former Trump administration official Mike Gill dies after being shot in DC carjacking spree – IOTW Report

Former Trump administration official Mike Gill dies after being shot in DC carjacking spree

Mike Gill was sitting in his car when a suspect shot him last week.

14 Comments on Former Trump administration official Mike Gill dies after being shot in DC carjacking spree

  1. At first glance, I thought the poor guy had gone on a carjacking spree and had been shot. Maybe a better headline would have been “Former Trump Official Dies After Being Shot By Carjackers”, and then get to the “Spree” later in the story. It seems like headlines have gotten way too long nowadays.

    Quibble /off

  2. It took place on busy K Street while he was waiting to pick up his wife from work. She came out and realized the man lying on the sidewalk was her husband.

    Happens quite often in Philadelphia, but the Trump connection earns the publicity.

    Welcome to New America. 🙁

  3. Some fucking idiot stole my prescription sun-eyeglasses on K street in about 1998. Asshole. I hope he fell into a sewer and met Pennywise.

  4. He wasn’t shot by a “suspect” – he was shot by a murderer.
    The man will become a “suspect” when the police suspect him of being the murderer.

    Yeah, yeah … I know …

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  5. Justice may not be equal in DC but the criminals will go after anyone.
    This has Ted Cruz spooked. He’s asking for security details for Congress and judges.
    Just what we need, more crooked Capitol Police.

  6. What a great idea!
    Protect the maggots, the grifters, and the scum and leave the humans to fend for themselves.

    And fend for themselves they’ll eventually do – they’ll have no choice – self defense or death.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …


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