ICE blames NYC refusing to cooperate with feds for release of cop-beating migrants – IOTW Report

ICE blames NYC refusing to cooperate with feds for release of cop-beating migrants

Lefty-leaning New York laws that ban cooperation with federal immigration officials are partly to blame for ICE being powerless to stop the migrants accused of jumping two NYPD cops from skipping town, officials griped Monday.

Kenneth Genalo, the director of US Immigration and Customs Enforcement’s Big Apple field office, ripped the sanctuary policy that prevents the city from adhering to “detainers” — a system that calls for the feds to be notified by local law enforcement when non-citizens are arrested on criminal charges. MORE

12 Comments on ICE blames NYC refusing to cooperate with feds for release of cop-beating migrants

  1. ‘…“detainers” — a system that calls for the feds to be notified by local law enforcement when non-citizens are arrested on criminal charges.’

    …so, they’re saying that Federal supremacy is GOOD when it’s used to prevent Southwestern states from securing their borders, but BAD when it’s supposed to be used to remove dangerous criminals AFTER they commit a crime?

    …the cognitive dissonane ALONE that a Democrat needs to have when it comes to advancing Communism should be enough to keep them locked in a looney bin for life…

  2. ‘…“detainers” — a system that calls for the feds to be notified by local law enforcement when non-citizens are arrested on criminal charges.’

    …so, they’re saying that Federal supremacy is GOOD when it’s used to prevent Southwestern states from securing their borders, but BAD when it’s supposed to be used to remove dangerous criminals AFTER they commit a crime?

    …the cognitive dissonane ALONE that a Democrat needs to have when it comes to advancing Communism should be enough to keep them locked in a looney bin for life…

  3. Stop allowing states/cities to pander with creating policies that protect law breakers. Enforce federal law and fine the state/city every single day they violate law.

    Do we live under the law of the land? Or do we live under some feel-good policies that makes local governments feel comfortable in their pandering and virtue?

    You could have some Somalia in Minnesota enact a policy that straight up enacts Somalia law and disregards US law entirely. What’s the federal government going to do about it? Right now, nothing because they aren’t adhering to precedent law of the land, but cater to policies of local governments that are in direct violation of the constitution.

    Meanwhile the feds can cut razor wire in Texas. The federal government at this point exists for the sole purpose of destroying us.

  4. “Meanwhile the feds can cut razor wire in Texas. The federal government at this point exists for the sole purpose of destroying us.”

    When I said I would fundamentally transform this country, you must’ve been busy checking out my most glamorous ‘wife’ –Baronk oBola


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