Homeless Camps Keep Catching On Fire – IOTW Report

Homeless Camps Keep Catching On Fire

San Francisco is facing a new problem as the number of fires tied to homeless encampments has doubled in the last four years since the COVID-19 pandemic, according to The San Francisco Standard.

14 Comments on Homeless Camps Keep Catching On Fire

  1. A few hillsides in the L.A. area too, over the past few years. In fact dozens of homes burned because of homeless encampment fires.
    It’s not a bug; it’s a feature!
    Oddly, we don’t have that problem in SC.

  2. The assholes running the Southern Calfornian city where I reside, won’t even make the connection between the homeless encampments and the brush fires that the homeless inevitably start.

    Whenever there is a brush fire started by the bums at their encampments, the city calls it a fire “of unknown origin”. I guess it’s just a coincidence that these brush fires always start where the junkies have set up camp in a wilderness area near a bike path.

  3. Pet peeve warning:

    Sorry about the trivial nature of this but, in the entire history of ignition, nothing has ever “Caught on fire”. Things have caught fire and other things have been set on fire but nothing has ever caught on fire.

    Nothing has ever happened “on accident” either.

    Silly rant concluded

  4. When you get panhandled, hand them a Bic.

    Utterly unrelated note: If you stick a toothpick into a Bic just right and break it off, the thing will light but not go out when you take your thumb off the little striker button.


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