TX Attorney Sentenced to 6 Months Behind Bars for Poisoning Pregnant Wife’s Drinks with Abortion Pills – IOTW Report

TX Attorney Sentenced to 6 Months Behind Bars for Poisoning Pregnant Wife’s Drinks with Abortion Pills

Breitbart: A Texas man who slipped abortion drugs into his wife’s drinks several times has been sentenced to 180 days in jail and ten years on probation.

“Mason Herring, a 39-year-old Houston attorney, pleaded guilty Wednesday to injury to a child and assault of a pregnant person. He had initially been charged with felony assault to induce abortion,” the Associated Press reported.  more here

11 Comments on TX Attorney Sentenced to 6 Months Behind Bars for Poisoning Pregnant Wife’s Drinks with Abortion Pills

  1. 6 months for poisoning his wife, illegal use of prescription drugs (misoprostol is NOT OTC) and infanticide.

    And the cheapening of human life continues.

    Hope she cleans him out, anyway.

    But it sure would be nice if people were actually punished for malicious administration of unwanted deadly medicine.

    Whether their name is Herring,

    or Fauci.

  2. Not sure what the problem is. It takes a man & a woman to create a baby, but the woman insists she is the only one with the right to terminate the pregnancy? This man was just standing up for his rights as a father.

  3. “Not sure what the problem is.”

    Setting aside for the moment serious ethical questions and an assortment of sins in the nonconsensual, unaware drugging of the woman you’ve pledged to protect and legally and morally bound your life to before God, there’s this;

    Practicing medicine without a license.

    Misuse of a prescription drug.

    Possibility of severe harm to the mother, who may be allergic to one more of the ingredients used to make or buffer Misoprostol, it may interact with other things she’s taking, and there may be side effects such as heavy bleeding and chest pains to name but two, that the lady will NOT be watching for or know what causes them if they happen, up to and including “vomiting of blood or material that looks like coffee grounds” and utrine rupture.


    Possibility of NSAID induced ulcers.

    Unknown results from the improper administration of the drug in an untested format that results in an unknown dose received.

    Possibility it will not kill the infant but cause birth defects instead, since its nit meant to abort a baby in this stage of development.

    Lots of other things you can read about at the link above,

    …abortifacents are NOT benign drugs despite what Democrats would have you believe, and can and do have serious medical consequences for even a woman taking them willingly.

    No matter what you think of the gestating life inside, you have no right to poison the woman carrying it.

    That six months should be followed by a release to a gallows.

  4. SNS, I was pointing out with hyperbole the hypocrisy of abortion, not advocating illicit drugging of unsuspecting people. Liberals make assertions constantly of their moral superiority and I was pointing out their hypocrisy.

  5. Well, they couldn’t charge him with attempted murder.
    He did after all, use a drug the abortion mills use.
    How would that look for Planned Parenthood, to have someone successfully prosecuted for attempted murder, using the same process they do.
    Sheeple could possibly wake up and start making connections.


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