Dem Rep. Phillips: ‘It Appears a Crime Was Committed’ by Biden – IOTW Report

Dem Rep. Phillips: ‘It Appears a Crime Was Committed’ by Biden

On Thursday’s broadcast of “CNN NewsNight,” 2024 presidential candidate Rep. Dean Phillips (D-MN) stated that it “appears a crime was committed” by President Joe Biden in his handling of classified documents.

23 Comments on Dem Rep. Phillips: ‘It Appears a Crime Was Committed’ by Biden

  1. What we are witnessing in real time is a pivot. They have decided that they have to deal with their Biden/Harris sooner or later, and it’s getting close to November. They would need 181 million this time unless they can off load these two dumb fucks. They don’t know which misfits and malcontents they are going to replace them with, but it is obvious to them that the longer they keep tweedle dumb and tweedle dumber around the deeper they are going to dig the Democrats into a hole.

  2. Gosh Wally, are they really allowed to state the obvious now???
    We’ve known it for years!!
    See ya Jackass Joe! Unfortunately the nation won’t be any better off! The only consolation is that half-assed, lying, worthless piece of flaming dog shit can’t even complete a full term and go down in history as the worst no morals, no standards, no scruples, no shame, no ability asshole on the entire planet!

  3. Don’t kid yourselves folks. This is all a well-orchestrated plan being played out with perfect timing and garnering the desired reactions/results. Don’t believe me? Watch as it all unfolds before your eyes. And guess who will fuck it all up? Hint: it starts with an R.

  4. Very dangerous times we are living in at the moment. These self proclaimed masterminds thought that it really didn’t matter which fuckup they installed. I think it was that bat eared Kenyan twink who said: Never underestimate Joe Biden’s to fuck things up. Should have taken his own advice. It was their own arrogance that lead them to believe that they had everything set up and the great reset was just going to fall into place leaving them in total control of the entire world. Trust me, they are of the stripe whose philosophy is: If I can’t have her than no one can. These fuckers would have no compunction starting a thermonuclear war at this point. Very dangerous times.

  5. “Never underestimate Joe’s ability to fuck things up”
    In other words, they knew all too well what this asshole’s capabilities were!
    So to fuck things up and “fundamentally transform the United States” was exactly their intent!

  6. For those of you from Rio Linda, the Democrats and Republican establishment consensus replacement for the demented pedo and the whore shit the bed when she lost to None of the Above in Nevada. This much you can take to the bank, Ryan and Pelosi will be working together all weekend to come to a consensus on who next to start pumping come Monday.

  7. @ Harry SATURDAY, 10 FEBRUARY 2024, 16:31 AT 4:31 PM

    “So the final conclusion would surely be that whereas other civilizations have been brought down by attacks of barbarians from without, ours had the unique distinction of training its own destroyers at its own educational institutions, and then providing them with facilities for propagating their destructive ideology far and wide, all at the public expense.”
    “Thus did Western Man decide to abolish himself, creating his own boredom out of his own affluence, his own vulnerability out of his own strength, his own impotence out of his own erotomania, himself blowing the trumpet that brought the walls of his own city tumbling down, and having convinced himself that he was too numerous, labored with pill and scalpel and syringe to make himself fewer. Until at last, having educated himself into imbecility, and polluted and drugged himself into stupefaction, he keeled over–a weary, battered old brontosaurus–and became extinct.”

    – Malcolm Muggeridge on Western man

  8. 1000s of Federal crimes related to the border, TREASON related to the border, CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY related to the jab, and some mishandling of classified documents that are likely the tamest of the crimes.

  9. Cognitive dissonance. People are still laboring under the dated concept laws apply to our government. This belief will cause you pain. Discard such beliefs and you’ll feel much better.

  10. Here’s the possible scenario. The “a sympathetic, well-meaning, elderly man with a poor memory,” defense will be implemented before any indictment can be issued. He will probably be declared incompetent to stand trail.
    When Biden figures out he has no choice, he’ll be Dementia Joe to the hilt to stay out of jail.

    Also, the media will attempt to sway public opinion. Conditioning leftist tools who don’t know the truth, to accept Biden’s replacement – whoever that is.

    The media propaganda theme could be “How can any fair justice be met against a man who has Alzheimers?” Yep, they’re going to admit it.
    Guess how far back the diagnosis will be? All the way back to the days of his Senate and Vice President positions.

    The left doesn’t care about the conflict that Biden has been “serving” as pResident with senility. He was too good of a useful idiot for the left to pass up.

    The fix is indeed in, but the left doesn’t consider the God factor. At this point only God can make sure justice is served and Biden, his handlers pay for their crimes.

  11. ^^^Oops. Wrong thread, but you get the point. Dementia Joe may never be prosecuted for his crimes he obviously committed. Cognitive impairment gets him a free pass. Planned all along.


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