RINO Rep To Retire – IOTW Report

RINO Rep To Retire

RINO Rep. Mike Gallagher (R-WI) Who Voted Against Impeaching Mayorkas Announces He Will Not Seek Reelection.

23 Comments on RINO Rep To Retire

  1. Well, if he did 6 years he has a pension and meds for life.

    Thats why the house needs to win 3 times to get those BENNIES you didn’t know about until right now as you go and research it.

    It’s a Good Life those guy built, and THEY BUILT IT

  2. SNS
    “Apparently, 30 pieces of silver is enough to retire on.”

    I’m of the opinion it’s more than that. I’m a simple man, and not that smart, but it seems to me if you give every Fed employee a simple choice, one being for the good of our country, two, aiding to the destruction of our country, 87% will chose two.
    I’m confident my percentage estimate is low. These individuals need to be given a choice. Leave our country, or leave the planet. It’s just that simple.

  3. @ Brad SATURDAY, 10 FEBRUARY 2024, 23:42 AT 11:42 PM

    My mom used to insist that it was “the system.” I would always ask her who do you think put “the system” in place. 87% is probably in the ball park, but low.

  4. I was a Fed Employee – a plumber.
    We didn’t work to destroy America – we worked to keep the turds flushing, the pipes from leaking, and the spaces protected from fire.
    It’s mainly the coat-and-tie guys who actively try to grift, steal, lie, connive, and destroy – we blue-collars rarely got the chance (not that some of us didn’t, given the opportunity).

    It’s said that if the President steals, the Ministers will kill.
    (or something to that effect)
    Even a good man will smell of shit after swimming in a cesspool.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  5. There were four republicans who opposed the Mayorkas impeachment.

    Ken Buck – retiring

    Mike Gallagher -not seeking re-election

    Tom McClintock – running for re-election

    Black Moore – running for reelection, though I thought it was Moore who cast his vote against impeachment to leave the door open for another try.




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