NY: Thousands of Illegals Quietly Put on Welfare Rolls – IOTW Report

NY: Thousands of Illegals Quietly Put on Welfare Rolls

If this is not a slap in the face of New Yorkers, I don’t know what is.

16 Comments on NY: Thousands of Illegals Quietly Put on Welfare Rolls

  1. Every illegal migro the dumpocraps let in is a slap in the face….no, far worse….a crime against America. These crimes now total well over 10 million.

    America is committing hari-kari, disemboweling itself, falling on it’s own sword.

    Hochul not only looks the evil bitch – she is one.

  2. Thousands?
    More like: Dozens and Dozens of Thousands
    New Yorkers Grift like few others
    DC and Nigeria in one
    They steal in front of your eyes
    No Regret
    No Shame


    Mark like: To the bedrock, and SALT behind

  3. Better learn to speak Chinese, Arabic, and/or Somali is more like it. Have a friend who lives in Western Pa who said he’s seen at least one pot farm run by Chinese while out hunting there. He felt threaten because they were armed.

  4. NYers should blow up all bridge tollbooths, merchants should refuse to collect City Sales Tax, all should stop paying parking fines, etc..
    Defunding the war against citizens.

  5. The regime is keeping them placated until it’s time to turn them loose on Americans.
    When it’s time to turn the chimps loose, they’ll turn off the spigot.
    Then it’s Katy Bar the Door time!

  6. Cuomo picked Hochul as his Lt Governor because she was an unremarkable politician that checked of a diversity box. Sort of like when Spitzer picked David Paterson aka Governor Blinky.

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