Houston Police focus on which pronouns to use for the mentally ill Texas Church shooter – IOTW Report

Houston Police focus on which pronouns to use for the mentally ill Texas Church shooter


31 Comments on Houston Police focus on which pronouns to use for the mentally ill Texas Church shooter

  1. Testing

    Does this thing work?
    Hello Joe
    Didn’t you have a trip scheduled?
    Bet you canx it.

    Thats My Prediction
    Remember This
    When you see That

    BTW, Off Topic

    Wasn’t Joe (or is Joe) on the line for a visit to Palastine?
    There had better be some Press there
    If it happens
    Joe may be busy and forgot to go
    He cannot say the address was incorrectly spelt as an excuse and to not go to plasticized Palestine.

    The Daily Reminders

  2. “This vote … for UKRAINE FUNDING is the MOST important vote we will ever take as U.S. Senators”

    ^^^ Nearly verbatum

    Who said it?

    Not Mitch (He said that before)

  3. This person was most likely groomed and supplied and aimed by “our own” government, but it’s not like anyone will ever admit that, or publicize it if they did.

    That said, it’s generally useless to look for the motives of the insane. Such motives are probably, definitively, themselves insane. The Boomtown Rats wrote a whole song about this a long time ago about another actual shooting, and it still applies.

    “Tell me WHY?”
    “I don’t like Monday.”


    …I’ve worked with genuinely insane patients before.

    That’s about all the logic you get.

  4. Harry, rat finks and Ed “Big Daddy” Roth rule. And so do old farts and boomers who grew up with them when we were kids back in the 60’s. I have a couple of rat finks and a RF model driving a hot rod (it’s still in the box) that my brother gave me as a gift a few years ago. Kids nowadays don’t know what they’re missing.

  5. Dr. Doctors
    TUESDAY, 13 FEBRUARY 2024, 13:43 AT 1:43 PM
    “Can’t you look betweens it’s legs?
    It’s dead right?
    It won’t object.

    It’s a girl? Right?”

    No. Nor a boy.

    Shakespeare can explain better than I.

    (HAMLET watching a grave digger, unaware the grave if for his suicide former inamorta)

    I will speak to this fellow.—Whose grave’s this, sirrah?

    Mine, sir.
     Oh, a pit of clay for to be made
     For such a guest is meet.

    I think it be thine, indeed, for thou liest in ’t.

    You lie out on ’t, sir, and therefore it is not yours. For my part, I do not lie in ’t, and yet it is mine.

    Thou dost lie in ’t, to be in ’t and say it is thine. ‘Tis for the dead, not for the quick. Therefore thou liest.

    ‘Tis a quick lie, sir. ‘Twill away gain from me to you.

    What man dost thou dig it for?

    For no man, sir.

    What woman, then?

    For none, neither.

    Who is to be buried in ’t?

    One that was a woman, sir, but, rest her soul, she’s dead.”
    “Hamlet”, Act 5, Scene 1

    A corpse is just that. It is the envelope in which God sent a soul to Earth in, and the envelope has served its purpose once the soul has fled. What made that person who they were has gone to its reward, and while we continue the conventions of addressing it in death in the manner we addressed its soul with in life, it is simply an empty husk at this point, unable to participate of itself in any of the activities that defined the life that once inhabited it, including those behaviors that we consider male and female.

    Sex does not matter to a corpse, because nothing matters to a corpse.

    It matters only to those bidding its erstwhile inhabitant farewell.

    To the extent one needs to speak of a departed person, the convention is again that those who cared for the life address the body as they addressed the life it once had.

    It matters not to the corpse either way.

    And there’s no reason it should matter to anyone else outside of those who mourn it.

    Asclepius once noted that pain lays not it’s touch upon a corpse.

    Neither then should pronouns.

    I’ve attended a fair number of funerals at this point, more than I care to think about, and in the very near future expect to attend one for one of my dearest, in God’s time, not my own.

    And I have not at any of those times been concerned for the guest of honor. That person is beyond my help and beyond my vengeance, beyond my blessing and beyond my curses. That person is not there, and does no longer care.

    My concern is then in the only place where health and hurt apply, among the living.

    Funerals are for the benefit of the living, not the dead.

    They should always be conducted accordingly.

  6. Our PC/woke leadership caste is complete shite who are more concerned about offending a tranny piece of shit hate criminal/would be mass murderer/illegal alien by misgendering it than they are about stating the fucking obvious and protecting the public at large.

    People who think they can change their sex are fucking nuts.

  7. Remember the old Tumbleweeds cartoon strip?

    The sign above the Undertaker’s Mortuaty was “You Plug ‘Em, I’ll Plant “Em.


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