‘We Have Access to Information on a “Serious National Security Threat”’ – IOTW Report

‘We Have Access to Information on a “Serious National Security Threat”’

Do Tell. Or not. Whatever.

18 Comments on ‘We Have Access to Information on a “Serious National Security Threat”’

  1. Let me guess, the fbi has reported that white conservative males are planning an attack…. just as soon as the fbi manage to get enough homeless men drunk enough to say something they are told to say.

  2. Pssst. I have information on the most serious threat to America. I also have his name and address.
    Joseph Robinette Biden. 1600 Pennsylvania Ave Washington DC.
    Don’t tell anyone. It’s top secret.

    OK. Never mind. Tell everyone.

  3. The fact that they want this supposedly dire national security information immediately declassified is the “tell” that this is pure, unadulterated BS intended to scare the public into supporting the $100+ billion payment to the money laundering scheme that is Ukraine. All of their prior “boy-crying-wolf” garbage and the hoaxes against anything and everything Russia is pathetically transparent now to anyone paying attention. I hope that our reps in the house aren’t so stupid “or more accurately, corrupted) that they fall for this load of BS,

  4. I would not be surprised if China has paid politicians and agency heads to help destroy America for a good price and not firing a single round. The deal was worked out during global meetings around the world

  5. I want to see a replay of Jesse Watters Prime Time World record.

    Those lists went by too quick

    Catch a replay of Jesse Watters Prime Time Again in your local area code repeats time schedules if you couldn’t read as fast as AI can.

  6. Hunh. I reckon we’ll have to follow Ukraine’s lead with martial law and canceled elections. That’ll show those Russians.

    But what if those Global Hawks and Reapers start falling out of the sky over Ukraine. Or worse, Five Eyes satellites started falling out of orbit?


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