Report: Special Counsel Robert Hur Didn’t Ask Biden When Son Beau Died – IOTW Report

Report: Special Counsel Robert Hur Didn’t Ask Biden When Son Beau Died

GP: Joe Biden lied about Robert Hur raising the issue with his dead son Beau, according to a damaging leak to NBC News.

Special Counsel Robert Hur last week released a 345-page report on his investigation of the stolen classified documents.

Biden’s stolen classified documents were scattered all over the place in damaged cardboard boxes and unlocked drawers. The documents were easily accessible in Biden’s Delaware garage and basement den. more

18 Comments on Report: Special Counsel Robert Hur Didn’t Ask Biden When Son Beau Died

  1. Not related to this at all

    Do a search for Angela Chao car crash

    Sis in law or something to McConnell
    CEO of Shipping and Handling
    Killed in car crash
    Did you hear about that?
    Me either
    I was listening about Nigerian Bankers and Helo crashes.
    Didn’t that news disappear quick

    Just another shooter after Nancy shook her sticksA dude with no jaw?

    Isn’t this like News?
    Or News Blackout?

  2. The Last Re-fake of Beau Geste

    About a Man that has attended every University in America…and His Son Who

    valiantly died in every war this Country has been in…Plus a few more.

  3. “Biden’s stolen classified documents were scattered all over the place in damaged cardboard boxes and unlocked drawers. The documents were easily accessible in Biden’s Delaware garage and basement den.”

    ALL from BEFORE his usurpation of the Presidency – some from his Vice-Presidency and some from his time as a Senator, but NOT prosecutable?

    Total bullshit.
    Where is the DOJ? Where is the FBI? Not a single one takes his Oath seriously.

    We need a Hercules to clean out the Augean Stable of DC – since we’re too old or too cowardly to do it ourselves.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  4. @Traffic Cams…

    Interesting. All the news about her death is heavy on obituary, and very light on accident report info. In fact, I can’t find any details at all on the physics involved. But I’m pretty sure some of that info will be deposited in an obscure news outlet a few months from now.

    And yes, that Nigerian Banker story dried up like a puddle in the desert.

    It’s almost as if things are getting difficult for certain important people and blatant criminality, with murder and concomitant crude coverups, has become necessary. I fear there will be more of this, at an increasing tempo, for the rest of this election year.

  5. @Traffic Cams, don’t know what you’re talking about. Was all over the news yesterday. Google “Chao” and it’s everywhere.
    She’s not a public figure and she got a lot more coverage than usual because of relationship to McConnells and his wife.
    You’re spending too much time looking for spooks.

  6. 1 Shitpants lied. Again. (every time he opens his piehole)
    2 biden himself brought up his Beau. (like he almost never does that/sarc)

    His entire bogus life/career is BUILT on the lie that a trucker ran a stop sign and killed his wife and their daughter. Likely, she committed suicide by DWI, taking their daughter with her, because she caught Shitpants molesting their child, when he wasn’t banging the babysitter, the future DR Jill.

  7. Beau is xiden’s go to subject when he wants to deflect from whatever is being discussed. He seems to think that being dead makes him some kind of saint. Now I don’t know if Beau was a piece of shit like Hunter but judging from the character of the rest of the family, I’d say there is a high probability the answer is yes.


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