Principal loses job, retirement pay, for coffee theft at store – IOTW Report

Principal loses job, retirement pay, for coffee theft at store

Gee. He never has a second cup of coffee at home.

16 Comments on Principal loses job, retirement pay, for coffee theft at store

  1. In China, according to the article, the punishment is akin to a “death sentence.” The Chinese are firm believers of the wages of sin is death. Behind every successful person is a substantial amount of coffee. 🙂

  2. FANIS Banking and Trust Travels

    We can help. Our dedicated DEI Professors can turn your Asian themed academic enviornments into Peace and Tranquility and the coffee is free.

    DA FANI (former Judge) (Hair and Nails LTD)
    Trading Office Tender

  3. And yet hundreds of thousands of federal government employees are working tirelessly to further the invasion of our nation (TREASON) and will certainly keep their jobs and their pensions, all paid for by the very people they hope will die as a result of their treason.

  4. Social Credit, in theory and practice, coming to a community near you.

    “We hang the petty thieves and appoint the great ones to public office.”
    – Aesop
    (might as well have been Confucius)

  5. @Nowut Ameen
    I bought 3 bags for a buck back in the day
    Crossing Georgia or Alabama Highway Gas Stations
    Don’t remember where or who however I did pay for them
    And would happily pay for some more of them
    They were g o o d
    And that was a good trip that passed through the Colorados

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