Truckers Plan to Stop Shipments to NYC – IOTW Report

Truckers Plan to Stop Shipments to NYC

Truckers to the rescue—again.

GP: Truckers bravely exposed some of the worst COVID shutdowns in the world when they parked their trucks in Ottowa to protest the iron-fisted approach used against citizens by the Justin Trudeau regime. Truckers in the US showed solidarity for their Canadian neighbors and helped block shipping between the US and Canada in Detroit, Michigan. Democrat Governor Gretchen Whitmer, who was being considered for Joe Biden’s VP, quickly threatened arrest for truckers who dared to block the Ambassador Bridge.

American truckers are now reportedly threatening to stop deliveries into New York City over the grotesque $350 million judgment against President Trump and his sons Don Jr. and Eric by partisan hack Judge Engoron on Friday. more

38 Comments on Truckers Plan to Stop Shipments to NYC

  1. Paging Ayn Rand…
    I am speaking to those who desire to live and to recapture the honor of their soul. Now that you know the truth about your world, stop supporting your own destroyers. The evil of the world is made possible by nothing but the sanction you give it. Withdraw your sanction. Withdraw your support. Do not try to live on your enemies’ terms or to win a game where they’re setting the rules. Do not seek the favor of those who enslaved you, do not beg for alms from those who have robbed you, be it subsidies, loans or jobs, do not join their team to recoup what they’ve taken by helping them rob your neighbors. One cannot hope to maintain one’s life by accepting bribes to condone one’s destruction. Do not struggle for profit, success or security at the price of a lien on your right to exist. Such a lien is not to be paid off; the more you pay them, the more they will demand; the greater the values you seek or achieve, the more vulnerably helpless you become. Theirs is a system of white blackmail devised to bleed you, not by means of your sins, but by means of your love for existence.


  2. “If you saw Atlas, the giant who holds the world on his shoulders, if you saw that he stood, blood running down his chest, his knees buckling, his arms trembling but still trying to hold the world aloft with the last of his strength, and the greater his effort the heavier the world bore down upon his shoulders – What would you tell him?”
    I…don’t know. What…could he do? What would you tell him?”
    To shrug.”

  3. All these truckers actually need to do is to stop shipments to NYC from their origin points. Points Of Entry will become quickly overloaded, thus stopping ships from unloading their goods. CHINA will become real pissed real fast because shipments will be also slowed / stopped to many other Prog cities as well, and guaranty that this decision gets reversed,

  4. I wonder how the Biden admin will react? Will “Biden” let it run its course or will “he” ask the DOJ or file RICO charges? Force the banks to foreclose on their trucks? Declare martial law and force truckers to work or seize the trucks and have the military drive them? Or will the Senate (and the cowardly RINOs) try to pass a bill to prohibit it?

  5. I like to hear this kind of talk out of truckers. I think along with truckers, bikers together would send a clear message. I can’t imagine living in a big city, I live rural and driving to a small town scares me already….. Homeless seem to be scarce around these parts, guess they got the message no one has any money to give them, and every business has them on alert. Sheriff is really mean here too. 🙂

  6. Anonymous Sunday, 18 February 2024, 16:41 at 4:41 pm

    The big trucking companies will seize the biz of the independents. They couldn’t care less about Trump.

    Biden aka Obama will call out the Nt’l guard to deliver the goods to NYC. Teamsters calling a strike would send a bigger message, except Teamsters have always voted Democrat.

  7. In my final years of employment, I worked for a farmer co-op who used trucks for 90% of the loads – pick up from fams to processors and on to end users, sometimes containers shipped to the Lake Head to be loaded onto container ships bound for Rotterdam.
    Without farmers, there is no food, without truckers, there are no deliveries, with out grocery stores there is no efficient distribution.
    I also think that deliveries should be stopped to Washington, Boston and Chicago. California has already “hooped” themselves by mandating that only electric trucks can operate within the borders come the beginning of April.

  8. Different Tim SUNDAY, 18 FEBRUARY 2024, 14:49 AT 2:49 PM

    Except being really hungry, and there is no food to be had, tends to affect people MUCH more quickly and deeply. Even if only a city.

  9. @ Ed357 SUNDAY, 18 FEBRUARY 2024, 14:11 AT 2:11 PM
    Drive right into town and gridlock the son of a bitch solid. 90% of the bastards would be on a forced hunger strike w/in 72 hours. They would be reduced to eating cockroaches and rats.

  10. Holland Tunnel…….blocked
    Lincoln Tunnel…….blocked
    GW bridge both levels blocked
    Tappan Zee bridge…..blocked
    I-95 blocked
    I-684 blocked
    All done with derelict trucks and trailers.
    When they haul one off, dump another one.
    Easy Peasey

    Within three days there will be rioting in the streets.

  11. They ain’t exactly getting their food from the Amish… everything gets trucked or flown in.
    When hunger sets in the natives get restless and go foraging. Many who have already had it up to here will go foraging in another state!

  12. @ lowell “Not enough of them to make any difference.”

    you don’t need many to take NYC down there are only six ways in and out of Manhattan 40 -50 truckers could block the GWB, Tri borough, midtown tunnel, 53rd street bridge, Holland tunnel and the Verrazanno. do that and NYC would be starving and dead in 2 days as Cmn¢¢guy says.

  13. Goldenfoxx
    SUNDAY, 18 FEBRUARY 2024, 17:11 AT 5:11 PM

    Biden aka Obama will call out the TEXAS Nt’l guard to deliver the goods to NYC AND PREVENT THEM FROM PROTECTING TEXAS.

  14. Chicken cheeks, Could you leave Virginia out of it. We would be a red state except for northern Virginia. There are more people there who vote blue and most of them work for the government. My county is red but we are small, only 40,000 people only 12,000 in my town. So we are at a disadvantage. Virginia also has a Republican governor.


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