Retired Gen. Wesley Clark Admits Interfering in Elections in Italy, Greece, and Hungary  – IOTW Report

Retired Gen. Wesley Clark Admits Interfering in Elections in Italy, Greece, and Hungary 

Major Exposé Part 1: Soros-Financed Non-Profit Caught in Global Election Interference Scheme — Retired Gen. Wesley Clark Admits Interfering in Elections in Italy, Greece, and Hungary (VIDEO)

12 Comments on Retired Gen. Wesley Clark Admits Interfering in Elections in Italy, Greece, and Hungary 

  1. The rest of the world certainly doesn’t HATE US because we are free. That ship sailed well over a century ago. They hate us because of the Deep State, the CIA, the NSA, the war on drugs, and pieces of garbage like Bush, Cheney, Clark, Albright, Kissinger, the Clintons, and countless others.

  2. For some reason, the US has adopted the doctrine of evil and discredited any good. We are no longer a nation of Christianity but a nation of every unclean spirit. Try reading the book of Revelation. And for all you unbelievers I am proud to state I am a believer in Yeshua the Messiah and can tell Soros to stick it in his ass.

  3. Saw this Live on TV
    Former 4 Star Supreme Allied Commander(s)
    Clark and Stavrides
    All associated with the Carlysle Group of Grifters
    Y C N M T S U P

    Not an expert, however, it sure looked like Wesley was on the verge of tears when pleading and threatening and breaking down while demanding MUCH, MUCH MORE MONIES for Ukraine and AfriCONUS CONS.

  4. Facebook has been running anti-Trump ads featuring Clark bashing DJT. Interesting that this news breaks so shortly after the release of Tucker’s interview with Mike Benz.

  5. “For some reason, the US has adopted the doctrine of evil and discredited any good”

    I totally disagree. Why, there’s a majority of us that refuse to participate. We’ve been hijacked by a bunch of weak sisters that around October will finally figure out who’s in charge. The amazing thing to me is they seem to be looking forward to that. Be careful what you wish for assholes.
    I lead a good life. All three of my kids have married great peeps. My grande kids are off the hook fun. I’m not going to let a bunch of fucking Nazi Sonsabitches ruin their lives. I’m good to go. And I’m far from alone. A reminder to the FEDS. Wisconsin deer hunters represent the largest standing army of any nation. And they’re all snipers. Fuck these assholes.

  6. I’m with you Brad:
    “Wisconsin deer hunters represent the largest standing army of any nation. And they’re all snipers. Fuck these assholes.”

    And what we don’t shoot we hit with our pickup trucks.

  7. Brigadeer-in-the-headlights General Peter Zwack
    Just had a wack attack on CNN
    C R A Z Y

    Intervention Levels

    ** somebodies are getting squeezed, butt hard, and how, for any more money and the will even use Home Improvement funds meant for American troops and their families and send it to Ukraine instead. They want to slash recruiting and send those funds as well.


  8. If General Patton was around, he’d kick Wesley Clark’s ass all the way to Berlin.

    General Clark. Heh. He deserves stripes – on his back, and a reduction in rank to Kitchen Police Specialist E0.


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