Venezuela Gangs in the Chicago Suburbs? – IOTW Report

Venezuela Gangs in the Chicago Suburbs?

In December of 2023, parental activist and host of the podcast Behind Enemy Lines, Terry Newsome, reported on migrant buses arriving to drop off illegals at suburban Chicago train stations.

8 Comments on Venezuela Gangs in the Chicago Suburbs?

  1. My mechanic guy for my vehicles is Mexican and is 100% for enforcing the borders and keeping the illegals out. Has his own shop and business and is totally for closed borders.

    The suburbs of which are noted are basically my backyard. Thinking our friends from the west side of Shitcago are not happy about having competition bused into their territory.

  2. Read the news. Same thing in the subs of Detroit. Four of the seven that attacked the fat out of shaped cops in NYC were arrested in AZ on unrelated charges. They were headed to my state. California. Reports are they are anxious to hook up with Mex Cartels and take over America. That’s not a joke. Oh Hum, if yo don’t own guns, and are not proficient with them at this point, you deserve what you get’

  3. Funny thing about importing rats, isn’t it?
    Seems kind of dumb on the surface but there is a logic to it.
    It just has nothing to do with preserving the Republic.
    How much will we tolerate? That’s the real question – cuz good people are gonna be caught in the cross-fire.

    It’s best to use Betadine at the fist instance than to wait until you have a festering sore.

    It’s all been said before – one gets the impression that it’s almost like a conspiracy to destroy the country! There IS such a thing as critical mass (and not just in nuclear fission).

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  4. Is the bear a Catholic? Does the Pope shit in the woods? Of course there are Venezuelan gangs in Chicago–they’re everywhere you look thanks to Pudding Brain. FJB


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