Democrats increasingly sour over Biden’s border response – IOTW Report

Democrats increasingly sour over Biden’s border response

Democrats are increasingly disagreeing with the Biden administration’s response to the increase in illegal immigration at the U.S. border, with nearly three in four saying that they believe the government is doing a “very” or “somewhat” bad job of handling the crisis, according to a new survey.

19 Comments on Democrats increasingly sour over Biden’s border response

  1. So, they’re just ‘complaining’ and not threatening to change their vote?

    The pole either did not include that tidbit of info, or they chose to hide the info as to not influence more dissatisfied demwits.

  2. Proof of the corruption in congress, a lot of lip service and no action.
    Jan. set a record of 250,000 illegals crossing the border. So another 2-3 million before November.
    Somebody is making a s!hit load of money on drugs and human trafficking.

  3. Fuck them, they got exactly what they voted for. I wish I could say the same. The Republican establishment has never once delivered anything they promised and frustrate those Republicans who actually do what they promise.

  4. ^^^^ What’s that got to do with a hanky moron? You typed it.
    “So our we what?” WTF? How stupid are you? Answer the question. “So our we what?” Fucking Libtards are so fucking boring. They’re like self destructive Lizard people.

  5. “Not half as stuuuupid as u r. Cry babies ”

    LOL, Well now that hurts. I really want to meet these people. I won’t hurt them. I’m just curious as hell who’s stupid enough to write this shit.


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