NYPD Shows Off Their Dance Squad – IOTW Report

36 Comments on NYPD Shows Off Their Dance Squad

  1. Does the tide follow that mass?

    Is that the reason Pluto is no longer considered a planet?

    Do they need the exercise? Yes.
    Do they need to do it in private? Also yes.

  2. And I thought that the Babylon Bee article was just a parody. Every day we keep moving further and further down the rabbit hole into Bizarro World. Is it because we forgot God that he’s punishing us with a descent into madness and insanity and a never-ending downward slide into Hell on earth?

  3. Good job! I can’t imagine the human waste policewomen encounter every day. If dancing together makes their lives better who am I to judge. And speaking of judges, they get no protection from NY judges or prosecutors.

    Give the ladies a little love guys!

  4. That should be unconstitutional.
    Your first line of defense.
    They own the Court House Corps too.
    It’s an Internal Hiring and Equity in Action.
    This is New York City, U.S.A.

  5. The first line of defence is at the border.
    With the Real Men.
    The Men of New York are busy playing Girls sports.

    **And do not buy made in New York Salsa, Buy the one made in Jersey.

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