Texas AG Paxton sues NGO encouraging illegal immigration – IOTW Report

Texas AG Paxton sues NGO encouraging illegal immigration

FOX– Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton is suing a Catholic non-governmental organization operating in the state and wants to have its registration revoked, alleging that it is encouraging illegal immigration and operating a stash house for those entering illegally.

Paxton has sued Annunciation House — a Catholic nonprofit set up in the 1980s — and is seeking to revoke its registration to operate in Texas. more

13 Comments on Texas AG Paxton sues NGO encouraging illegal immigration

  1. NGOs and Big NON-profits are fueling this.
    They are basically money laundering operations on a massive scale!
    They receive “donations” from large mega-foundations, think Tides, Gates, etc. and then use this money in the form of “grants” to smaller organizations to push the party line.
    I saw it first-hand during 2020 when I worked for a local foundation.
    Since it was my first interaction with a non-profit, I was told, it isn’t like a private business.
    Damn, son, you got that right.
    BTW-we had a Lunch & Learn about ESG funds. I was looking around at all the nodding heads as our financial expert told us how cutting edge and progressive this was. I could see that some of my co-workers were all-in on the grift, while others were busy picking at the high dollar lunch we got and avoiding eye contact.

  2. These goody do gooders are not above the law. Adding tax dollar costs to other American taxpayers only hurts other American taxpayers who may not be in the best shape to have more taxes placed on them and their families. Also not knowing just who these invaders are may bring other issues down the road. Stop selling an illusion, see NYC.

  3. NGOs… a bunch of easily influenced dumbed-down, pearl-clutching, bead-strumming, self-absorbed, holier-than-thou, spoon-fed, celebrity-obsessed, White guilt-ridden, Birkenstock-wearing, bottled-water-drinking, panty-wetting, Politically Correct, short-attention-span, kumbaya-singing, sheet grabbing, pillow biting, moisturizing-Metro, Homo, Bi, Pan-sexual, really confused, money-grubbing Progressives!

  4. It’s a start. But we really need all AG’s to go after the whole network of Catholic Charities USA. They can write the indictment from the organization’s website: CCUSA is a network of 168 Catholic Charities agencies located throughout the United States and its territories, 119 of which provide services to migrants. This isn’t charity; it’s an illegal industry, subsidized by parishioners and taxpayers who are being displaced and endangered by the results.

    Have a look at what they do:

    If you’re impressed, you can apply online to work for this ‘non-profit,’ joining their 45,000 staff members who enjoy salaried work and generous benefits. Check it out: https://www.catholiccharitiesusa.org/about-us/careers/

    The same radical elements that took over the Democrat party have usurped this and other charitable networks and are using them for nefarious purposes.


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