Uh Oh – IOTW Report

Uh Oh

Hello… Police? I’d like to report a murder. 😂

9 Comments on Uh Oh

  1. We could have finished the wall, complete with sniper towers and an alligator moat with money laundered thru Ukraine and still have enough left over give every homeless veteran $500,000.

  2. The days of blacks staying on the plantation because Massa be good to them is ovah. Enough of them are waking up they’ve been had over the last 2 generations is sufficient to tip the scale. The fact that first Hispanics and then illegals are getting preferential treatment in terms of everything (and the welfare doesn’t buy as much as it used to) are going to cause riots this summer.

    All you need is one loud-mouthed racist black woman and there are plenty of those.


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