The Dirty Trick Behind The “Dictator” Framing – IOTW Report

The Dirty Trick Behind The “Dictator” Framing

They are laying the predicate to set up a Transition Integrity Project 2.0 network, with informal backing from the national security state, to topple said “dictator” using “democracy promotion” regime change tricks. – Mike Benz.

7 Comments on The Dirty Trick Behind The “Dictator” Framing

  1. Hey, something I finally agree on with this bitch; if Trump does not win then yes, this very well might be the last election in the US, in it’s current iteration.

    Personally, I would like to see our side adopt the same urgency, the same mindset of, “This is the hill we must either take or die on”. The leftist’s think our democracy is at stake, I could not agree more.

  2. If we can elect the right person and finally drain the putrid DC septic systems, then we have a chance to return to our republic form of government. But not until. They should be allowed to continue the fight for democracy in any other country that will take them.

  3. Dear Dems: please provide examples of Trump being a dictator. Obama claimed he could govern because he had a “phone and a pen” and seemed to govern primarly by executive order. With regard to January 6, what part of “march peacefully to the Capitol” didn’t you understand? Trump, and millions of other Americans, questioned the balloting in teh 2020 election – Americans aren’t entitled to question the government?

    On the other hand, Biden didn’t even really campaign in 2020. There are mountains of evidence that would warrant an investigation into Hunter and Joe Biden corruption that is being ignored by the media. It seems clear that Biden is just a figurehead with dementia, which is also being ignored. Shockingly, we have immigration laws on the books that are being willfully ignored by Biden and the Democrats, and the Biden administration has used the court system to thwart the efforts of our southern border states to secure the border. There were, and still are J6 defendants being held – many of them were held for months on misdemeanor charges and I’ve seen credible evidence their rights were violated while in jail. Merrick Garland and the DOJ have been weaponized against conservatives, and the Democrats are engaged in lawfare against Trump based on charges that Biden has also committed. The Democrats have suppressed free speech on issues they hold dear like climate change, the Covid 19 vaccine and immigration. January 6 was one of the most tame riots or “insurrections” I can think of, yet we are told the George Floyd riots were “peaceful protests.” Seattle had attacks on the federal building, while police stood by. The Biden administration has tried to hamstring, if not destroy, our ability to produce our own energy.

    So who is the dictator party? It seems it is the Democrats and the Biden administration, but I’m willing to listen to facts – not hit pieces like I read in the NYT or watch on MSNBC – that show Trump intends to be a dictator.

  4. What mode of transportation was Benz using? He was covering a lot of ground, much more than walking would have allowed. And why do people have to be on the move to do a video? Also, why do they have to be sitting in a vehicle, either parked or moving? I guess I’m a low tech guy, and happy for it.


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