Biden Loses Battle with Teleprompter – IOTW Report

Biden Loses Battle with Teleprompter

Joe Biden on Wednesday delivered remarks in Los Angeles on his plan to ‘cancel’ student loans ahead of the 2024 election.

8 Comments on Biden Loses Battle with Teleprompter

  1. “his plan to ‘cancel’ student loans ahead of the 2024 election”

    Election time, it’s time to drag that dead horse out and give people FALSE hope of retiring the debt they willingly took upon themselves.

    The problem is Universities have from $Millions to $Billions in funds in Stocks, Bonds and other money making endeavors. Rather than use those funds to reduce tuition or rid themselves of Faculty who do not teach, they choose to further increase tuition.
    The government funded Universities teaching Socialism should be exempt from Receiving federal funds.


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