Thomas: I’ll Leave ‘When I Do My Job As Poorly’ As Media – IOTW Report

Thomas: I’ll Leave ‘When I Do My Job As Poorly’ As Media

Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas, who has endured decades of attacks—including from then-Sen. Joe Biden, (C/G-DE) and anti-conservative media— is not taking criticism from the media sitting down.

12 Comments on Thomas: I’ll Leave ‘When I Do My Job As Poorly’ As Media

  1. Good for Clarence Thomas for not taking a bribe from a filthy leftist hack. Now I wish that Justice Thomas will politely tell leftist critic John Oliver to go to hell. I hate the left and their slimy evil political and world views. Justice Thomas is not for sale jackass, go away and crawl back into the hellhole you came out of.

  2. Muslims are so supportive/dogmatic about apostasy laws in their religion because it is a personal affront to their existence, someone previously steeped in their ideology who concludes ,”This is such horseshit, who in their right mind could fall this crap”. And that person must be killed/destroyed.

    The progressive’s version of “blackness” in America is identical and equally rabid. For a black person to think for himself, to reclaim his own agency and publicly declare ,”What you are advocating is not in my best interest, it keeps me ignorant, dependent, and docile. I hereby reject your version of my identity and will decide for myself the course necessary for my own well being”.

    The other thing that grinds their gears to no end; Thomas is probably the most non-ideological thinker on that bench since Scalia. His decisions are un-encumbered by any ideological hurdle other than ,”It is in keeping with both the spirit and the letter of The Constitution”.

  3. Even when he is dead of old age, he will STILL be doing his job better than the media (unless of course you realize that LYING TO US, HIDING THE TRUTH, COVERING FOR THE CRIMINALS IN GOVERNMENT, THE DEEP STATE, SOROS, THE WEF, THE MIC, ETC. is what they are being paid to do – ie. their job).

  4. Clarence Thomas: A man with real character…
    Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaannd THE Black man that only a racist, Robert Byrd loving, low-IQ, Kiddy-Sniffer would actually attempt to lynch with a pubic hair!

  5. The Judicial Branch
    Think of it like this:

    Those 9 people are 5 Star Generals of that Branch
    And it is A Branch
    A Huge Branch

    EVERY single individual that works FOR that Branch, from the Federal Judges beneath them, to the SHERIFFS and down to the overweight Constitutional Gaurds paid hourly plus benefits at the Capitol, are in the DIRECT CHAIN OF COMMAND back up to those 9.

    Please pay attention to the Sheriff part.
    Know your LE and what Branch

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