Benedict XVI was Forced into Vacating the Papal Throne – IOTW Report

Benedict XVI was Forced into Vacating the Papal Throne

CFP: The growing discussion on social media concerning the nullity of Pope Benedict XVI’s resignation is supported by a plethora of documented information that has never truly been refuted. None less than Benedict himself made it clear that he forever remained the Petrine servant of God because of his perpetual acceptance of the Petrine Office. Benedict simply resigned from the active ministry of governing the Church without abandoning his office. more

25 Comments on Benedict XVI was Forced into Vacating the Papal Throne

  1. I had a Catholic deacon choose to be an ashhole on the phone with me when I was trying to establish what Catholic rite were current over my mother’s cooling body as my niece wept beside her. Fuxker got all arrogant when he found out I didn’t know about FakePopes’ current rules, even though it was the entire reason I had the HOSPICE tell him to call me. Yes it was Ash Wednesday and he may have been bust, but I had kinda a stressful day going on too, and also, I DONT GO AROUND TELLING PEOPLE IM A MINISTER!

    …so she passed on the 14th. It’s now the 22nd, and she’s not been interred. Why?


    So no closure until Tuesday after a Monday visitation.

    Thanks for that, vestment dude. Appreciate the compassion.

    And don’t get me started on the cut and paste way that’s the -ONLY- way they will conduct the Requiem Mass.

    …so that’s MY recent experience with the RCC. Not gonna lie, didn’t make me any more of a fan.

    Your milage may vary.

    Don’t get me wrong, Catholics here. I was born to Catholics, raised Catholic, have family still in the Church, and have Catholic friends. The only differences I have with ACTUAL Catholics are doctrinal ones; and the biggest one is that I believe NO man to be infallible and NO man to be worthy of glorification but the Lord Jesus Christ.

    No matter WHAT building he’s speaking from or how he chooses to dress.

    …the whole “Petrine Throne” thing us kind of did me in when I saw THIS.

    I like Bernini as much as the next guy, but sorry, this glorifies a DUDE and NOT the Lord, so it ain’t for me. And if you dig into the history of Popes it gets pretty ugly. Look up “Cadaver Synod” for a rather egregious example, althogh scarcely the only one.

    And THIS Pope was installed by the same people and the same reason and around the same time Barry Soetoro was. Sorry dude, not bending a knee to Bergoglio the Argentine nightclub bouncer, no matter how he dresses or who he claims to speak for.

    Because the One I’m very confident, by his words and deeds and treatment of both the Bible and the rituals of his own Church, that he does NOT speak for, is the Lord.

    I will not quote the Bible here due to the harsh state of my thoughts that is present in my writing, which is unworthy of sharing space with the Word.

    But I’m quite sure you are all familiar with the quote about knowing men by their fruits.

    Bergoglio’s leaves droop with bitter fruit indeed.

    I don’t believe he’s any more a Vicar of Christ than I believe that Pedo Joe is a legitimate president.

    I’m not even convinced he’s Catholic.

    Whatever the state of his predecessor’s resignation status may have been, he’s NO leader, except in the sense he led his institution off the same cliff that the Pedo Puppet has been told to lead the United States off of…

  2. As I laid on my hospital bed in Vietnam near death with vital organs in the process of shutting down I was visited by the Navy Chaplin (Catholic)Fr. Edwin Bohula. Even though at that time I wasn’t Catholic he sat with me in what should have been my final hours. He said a prayer then I drifted off into a comatose state. Only to wake up some time later (I have no idea how long days, weeks) in the hospital I had previously been stationed at in Japan.

    The Chaplin must have had a lot of juice with the man upstairs!

  3. 500 years ago ny family in Germany gave up Catholicism for Lent, and we never went back.
    Mary the mother of Jesus was a sinner just like you and I.
    There is no such place as Purgatory or Limbo.
    Baptism doesn’t mean anything if the baptized doesn’t understand and accept it.
    Good works are evidence of salvation, not a requirement.
    I could go on fo 91 more theses, but that’s been done.

  4. I was born and raised Lutheran, but converted to Catholicism to marry my wife. I was impressed by the Priest who coached us in Pre-Cana and me in RCIA, but most of all I was impressed by her family who was very involved in the church and other organizations. They truly embodied Catholic principles and had an entire family that showed it! That said, nobody is impressed with this current pope! Personally I think he’s a Communist plant that seems to be another puzzle piece that fits perfectly in to what we see going on around the world… the destruction of excellence and the West in general.

  5. Thank you Mrs. Radioman and Harry. And her memory lives as long as I do.

    And Doc, thank God you had someone ministering to you who could reach the Throne Room, but I gotta say I really appreciate chaplains for what they do and how and where they do it. I wasn’t in the military but we had a fire department chaplain who could seamlessly drop into whatever role a patient or FF that needed comforted required, Protestant, Jewish, or Catholic (we didn’t have Muslims at the time so I’ll never know), but wasn’t so high-minded that he couldn’t walk a hose or rack some air tanks, whatever was required he’d do.

    I was pretty agnostic myself at the time, but even young dumb me knew the man was touched by God.

    And please don’t misunderstand, I think God works through people, not religions, and so you may find a true servant of the Lord in any denomination just as you may find false ones anywhere as well.

    God uses people to save people according to His plan.

    He sent that priest to you because He wasn’t done with you.

    Maybe it was the lives you saved in the field, maybe for some other reason. I suspect you know yourself by now the life you were meant for.

    He blessed you with His minister, and He blessed His minister by reaching through him to save you.

    That’s the other side of knowing someone by the fruits of their labor.

    Those who truly serve Him bear good fruit.

    You met one such that day.

    And no one can doubt he was a blessing to you.

    God works His will in His way

    May we all be blessed to meet a true servant as you were


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