AOC heckled by protesters angry about migrant crisis – IOTW Report

AOC heckled by protesters angry about migrant crisis

‘You don’t care!’

22 Comments on AOC heckled by protesters angry about migrant crisis

  1. And of course, the seals clap and chant “AOC! AOC!”
    as their own job opportunities and social services are strained to a breaking point by the influx of illegals.
    Not to mention crime statistics.

    That’s right. Clap for your own demise, seals.

  2. Doesn’t the rest of the clip show her extolling all the things she is doing for her new guests?

    That is what I heard.

    Also, she IS vested in the permanant retirement payday.

    As only a 2 termer (4 years), Bob Good in Virginia is for Lovers needs that one more win for his Gold.

    Look up Bob Good of VA and his party crashing 911 ways.

    Wasn’t he a Never Trumper until lately?

  3. I’m reminded of the San Fran earthquake in the 80’s and the story of the adults in the street standing in a circle around a little girl as she reads from a phone book about what to do in an earthquake. Except this twit can’t read

  4. @2 points

    You are dead wrong about Bob Good
    He’s never been a never Trumper to my knowledge.
    His predecessor Abigail Spanberger is. Predecessor Dave Brat was not a NT.
    Problem is that they keep redistricting my congressional district but Bob Good is solid.

  5. There weren’t very many people there. It would be easy to organize enough people to overwhelm the brain dead kooks who support her. Kudos to the man who blasted her. I hope many others show up at her future appearances and do the same.

  6. One man shouts “All you care about is illegal aliens and their votes! You don’t care about your constituents!”

    No shit, Sherlock. She also cares about the skim.
    And, if she was honest, she’d admit that she doesn’t really GAF about the illegal-alien invading rat-people, at all, except as they muddy the vote-fraud process.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …


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