Appellate Court Eliminates Obama Moratorium on Coal Leasing – IOTW Report

Appellate Court Eliminates Obama Moratorium on Coal Leasing

AZ Sun Times:
A federal appeals court ruled Wednesday to essentially axe an Obama-era rule that prohibited new leasing for coal mining on federal lands.

The U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit overturned a previous 2022 court decision that allowed for the reinstatement of an Obama-era regulation that banned new coal mining leases on federally-controlled lands. The 2022 decision overturned Wednesday found that the Trump administration did not conduct an adequate environmental review when it decided to axe the Obama regulation, but the appellate court determined that the case is now moot because the Biden administration revoked the Trump-era reversal at the heart of the case anyways. more

8 Comments on Appellate Court Eliminates Obama Moratorium on Coal Leasing

  1. “…the appellate court determined that the case is now moot because the Biden administration revoked the Trump-era reversal at the heart of the case anyway…”

    In essence, nothing much has changed. As long as Biden, or another Democrat, is President. And I’m guessing that if Trump gets back in, the courts will be revisiting their decision to “axe” Barky’s rule. And the coal industry can’t just step back in without missing a beat when it’s being whipsawed by bureaucrats and judges.

    The Biden regime is schizophrenic on energy production, anyway. Last week they’re telling their enviro-nazi allies that they’re going to shut down LNG production (which is bullshit, because Europe is desperate for all of it, and paying top dollar). And then this week, they’re bragging that the US has never produced more oil and gas than right now.

    I can’t tell how much they are lying about that, or how much of a pass they’re getting from the pipeline protestors and the media. But it’s campaign season, and their puppet is flailing, so they must be pulling out all the stops on their bullshit pipe-organ.

  2. Won’t matter. The enviro whack jobs will tie up ANY coal mining in court for decades. They’ll find a “Previously unknown salamander colony of an endangered sub-species” resident on the property (even if they have to bring them in) and demand a ten year study of the ecological impact that mining would have.


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