Trump and Biden Will Both Visit the Border on the Same Day – IOTW Report

Trump and Biden Will Both Visit the Border on the Same Day

The two main competitors for the 2024 presidential election will both be visiting the border on Thursday.

Trump will be visiting Eagle Pass, Texas, on Thursday. His visit was announced last week. The White House announced Biden’s trip on Monday morning.

15 Comments on Trump and Biden Will Both Visit the Border on the Same Day

  1. LOL, watch this. Trump’s entourage will be yuge. He will look Presidential. He will have all the border peeps with him. Probably a shit load of Congress Critters. He will make Biden look like the limp dick he is.

  2. Anonymous depends wearer,

    In case you didn’t know, legislative power is vested in Congress. I know it’s confusing when you bow down to a dementia patient that doesn’t listen to any other branch of government and even ignores the supreme court.

  3. Aw, dats extra absorbent Depends he wears. Abbott ignore/ignorant sure he is & a total dumbass. Look smart guy America knows who told who not to vote on any border bill, butt hell the GOPee house couldn’t pass a bill if they had too. And that about sums up the current state of the republican party. Lost in the Ozone Again.

  4. Naw. Y’all are overreacting. Donald and Joe are simply teaming up for a Hope/Crosby style buddy movie. On the Road to Eagle Pass.

    Then they’ll go camping and roast some marshmallows and sing some songs around the campfire.

    Pretty sure that’s what’s gonna happen.
    Either that or Biden will hit Trump on the head with a shovel and bury him in a shallow grave.


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