Trump Moves to Dismiss Classified Docs Charges on Presidential Immunity – IOTW Report

Trump Moves to Dismiss Classified Docs Charges on Presidential Immunity

Robert Gouveia explains: Trump filed the long-awaited motion to dismiss in the Classified Docs Case, arguing Presidential Immunity protects him against 32 counts in the indictment.

7 Comments on Trump Moves to Dismiss Classified Docs Charges on Presidential Immunity

  1. Did you know . . .

    President Potato Joe was NOT a President when he committed his acts. They weren’t Presidential Acts. And his ass wasn’t covered.

    That is WHY THEY are now covering eveyones ass in the Records Keeping being typerwrited up like a Dan Rather Special Report

  2. Kind of important, like, Ukraine is NOT NATO either
    Ukrainian Culture and Arts and Governmental Salaries for Village Mail Routes and Tourism Cabin Rentals is NOT NATOs Bill, either.

    Not one thin dime more
    Not a penny either

  3. No, laws are only to be used against Trump, not for him.

    Laws are only to be used for Democrats not against them.

    So sayeth rabidly Democrat judges.

    Motion denied.

    And he will have to post a 500 billion bond to appeal.

  4. Who is he again? Never heard of him. Immunity from what? Heck only a guilty person would demand total, hell every guilty motherfucker ever locked up claims that bullshit. Sure, Shirley you are a total immune criminal who soon will get a judgment call from Big Bubba. Not gay yet, not a problem cause Bjg Bubba aims to please. Screamer, oh those are the best.

  5. Buy my golden plated tennis shoes & your folks will just love my bobbleheads. Court judgments coming due, soon his properties to be taken over for non-payment. Seven Springs Estate, T Tower, Mar-a-lago all gone & sold off to the highest bidder. Though I heard the government is looking into turning Mar-a-lago into a LBGQT+ homeless encampment in support of DeSanctus.

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