MS-13 Gang Member Wanted for Murder in El Salvador Arrested in Boston – IOTW Report

MS-13 Gang Member Wanted for Murder in El Salvador Arrested in Boston

Facing Fourth Deportation.

Wilmer Alexy Garcia-Manzanarez, a Salvadoran national and MS-13 gang member wanted for homicide in El Salvador had managed to enter the United States multiple times despite being previously removed.

11 Comments on MS-13 Gang Member Wanted for Murder in El Salvador Arrested in Boston

  1. The only deportation he should be allowed is facing east towards Bahston Hahbah via trebuchet.

  2. And, let me guess, the leftist, racist crunt who runs Boston won’t send him back to El Salvador, because Presidente Bukele, who is actually cleaning up the trash in El Salvador, will put his evil ass in prison.

  3. Released without bail after being recruited by the FBI.
    Or he was recruited before his illegal entry.
    “Wilmer Alexy Garcia-Manzanarez” – r u shittin me?

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …


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