NYC Mayor Says City Should Walk Back Sanctuary Laws – IOTW Report

NYC Mayor Says City Should Walk Back Sanctuary Laws


New York City mayor Eric Adams (D.) on Tuesday announced he wants to overhaul the city’s sanctuary laws amid a massive surge in asylum seekers and undocumented migrants, retreating from his promise on the campaign trail that New York would “remain a sanctuary city” under his administration.

The Big Apple’s sanctuary laws prohibit local agencies from assisting federal officials in locating and detaining an immigrant unless the immigrant has already been convicted of a serious crime. Adams said he seeks to amend these laws, proposing that mere suspicion of criminal activity should permit city officials to collaborate with immigration authorities.

“I want to go back to the standards of the previous mayors [Michael Bloomberg and Ed Koch] who I believe subscribed to my belief that people who are suspected of committing serious crimes in this city should be held accountable,” Adams told reporters in a briefing Tuesday afternoon. more

13 Comments on NYC Mayor Says City Should Walk Back Sanctuary Laws

  1. Too late. The barn has burnt, and the horse has escaped.
    It’s gonna take a massive “Operation Wetback (Redux)”, several times over, plus one or two generations, to return the Illegal Aliens level to pre-O’Bozo levels.
    Meanwhile, suck it up buttercup. You brought this on yourself.


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