Engoron “Creeping Girls Out” at the gym – IOTW Report

Engoron “Creeping Girls Out” at the gym

BREAKING: O’Keefe Media Group Confronts Total Creep New York Judge Arthur Engoron After Sources Tell Him Engoron Frequently Goes to Gym and is “Creeping Girls Out” – Engoron Wears Revealing Sweatpants and No Underwear? (VIDEO)

32 Comments on Engoron “Creeping Girls Out” at the gym

  1. Democrat – check
    Radical judge – check

    I’m certain the women are complaining to management of the gym. I know this because in the past, I owned a gym.

    In this case, I imagine that Engoron has told Equinox, ‘Nice gym you’ve got hear, it’d be a shame if something were happened to it’.

    If they weren’t sure if he was serious before, they sure as shit know it now.

  2. Another perv under the democratcorruptable umbrella. Even the blind can see it. As for engoron’s tiny balls: hopefully an aggrieved and delusional tranny at the gym rips them off.

  3. That was a big nothing burger. The guys exactly who we thought he was. A giant POS. He’s one of THOSE old guys in the gym. He uses every piece of equipment wrong. You wonder why they keep coming back. I guess it’s to sexually harass the women.

  4. Who cries harder? Trump or his boy toys? Put em all together & what do you have? All the makings for a Puddles Pity Party. Shot dowm cheapskate has to come up with the total bond amounts for both civil suit loses. A drop in the bucket for a “Real” rich man. Only around $550 million. New lawsuit filed stops merger/stock split of Truth Social. Owning 90% of Truth Social ain’t good enough for con-boy, wants to cheat the owners of the other 10% out of their stock ownership. No cash cow from Truth Social till lawsuit settled.

  5. Anon is big mad.
    Likely because his president is looking like a walking cadaver down in Brownsville today.
    Good! Suck on it!
    Let’s keep up the good work guys…

    BTW, Brownsville is preparing for Spring Break and rocket launches, they don’t have an illegal problem at the moment. Douchebag!

  6. Every time one of these Anon toll assholes post I expect to hear James Earl Jones saying “And this is CNN”.

    How far do you need to have your head shoved up your ass to get that much wrong.
    Merger/Stock split. Oh, OK.

  7. Well anon, if the feds aren’t ENFORCING EXISTING IMMIGRATION LAWS, then Texas has a DUTY to enforce state & local laws to protect its citizens.

    BTW, pot is illegal federally and in many states.
    Sure, it’s legal in some states.
    Try bringing your dope to other states and say they can’t enforce THEIR laws.

  8. God you are so f-ing stupid. If you could only read, you could read that judge’s ruling. No states CANNOT set their own immigration laws they have to follow the Federal government policies & laws. Abbott appeal on this matter will lose bigly time.

  9. “The Constitution is clear: Section IV Article 4 says the federal government “shall protect each of [the states] against Invasion,”. What recourse do the States have when the Federal government is not performing within their clear obligations as stated in the Constitution? You’ve really got to be worm to support the actions of this administration!


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