Macy’s Closing 150 Stores Nationwide – IOTW Report

Macy’s Closing 150 Stores Nationwide

Macy’s announced this week that they are closing 150 stores across the country. It’s just another feather in Joe Biden’s cap that this is happening on his watch. Bidenomics is not working out well for retailers – or customers. more

25 Comments on Macy’s Closing 150 Stores Nationwide

  1. I’ve got hi-def video of Christmas Eve in New York City

    It was a foot-shoot POV stream past all the sites

    Climaxxed in front of the Christmas Whore Collections streaming from every Storefront.

    Times Square

    And the sprawled out black homeless guy taking up valuable frontage footage.

    NO SHIT.
    It was on youtube but it disappeared last looked
    But meanwhile, it was saved locally
    For the Archives

    Will see about Close-Captioned Screen Shots of the local stream , however , have nowheres to send them.

    Let AI paint it for you mentelepathics

    FAKE Krabs FAKE Krabs

  2. Bidenomics is not [primarily] to blame, it’s retail theft and the dick-less DAs who refuse to do their jobs.

    Somewhat related; The Target in Vallejo Ca. (A shithole city with rampant crime and dumbass leaders) is closing permanently. Instead of going in and stealing them blind, some dude (not caucasian) set fire inside the store causing significant damage. I don’t shop there myself, last time I was there a few years back I noticed all the mannequins who were not only all black and very heavy.

  3. Rich,

    Bidenomics (WEF-Enomics )makes people Poorer, more desperate & Homeless.
    His asshole WEF approved Presecutors, Judges & Lawmakers are destroying wealth & property values as planned.
    Predators being imported into the USA to accelerating the effect further.

    Cheers, it is easier to see the Plan when you live in an open dictatorship like Justine Turdette’s.

  4. “Bidenomics (WEF-Enomics )makes people Poorer, more desperate & Homeless.”

    All true, sadly, but retail theft, primarily, is the cause of Macy’s, and others, walking away;

    Often times I feel that you Canadians have it better than us; no open borders invasions and not having the world carp to you guys to fix all their problems and fund all their needs. Being the leader of the free world has its downsides. But most of our problems are self-inflicted, and even a miracle DJT win this November will not kill the Deep State, deport millions of illegals, get rid of all the lib judges, or even solve our debt crisis.

  5. Our local Macy’s closed a few years ago. It was the anchor store at an outdoor mall, in the PNW. 🌧

    It was always the last stop, never the first, when trying to find something. The racks were always a mess, shelves too. Womens clothing choices were either bedazzled hoochy mama clothes or old lady polyesters in exotic prints.

    They won’t be missed. Besides, who shops anymore?
    I buy all of my clothes online now.

  6. Welp, no more thousand dollar fur coats on Craigslist for $150. No wonder the dindus are carjacking so many cars in downtown Portland now. How else are they going to get to the burbs for their Christmas Shoplifting?

  7. @Harry

    Do you think they could raise Chris Christie even a few inches off the ground? At 10 inches above ground he would knock over little kids and make them cry.

    But kudos for your optimism.

  8. Doesn’t surprise me one bit. Took my High School daughter to Macy’s to look at boots. Girl went back to stock and brought out 3 pairs. She saw another girl of a ‘different color’, dropped the boxes and ran over to help her. We eventually got up and left. White lives don’t matter.

  9. Both department stores and malls may be getting close to the bottom of the Product Life Cycle (PLC), a concept taught in business schools.

    I’m stretching it somewhat. Neither department stores nor malls are products, but the concept applies.

    I think amusement parks will go down within 50 years. I wouldn’t go to any of them even if someone else paid my entrance ticket and parking.

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