Missouri AG Files Lawsuit Against Planned Parenthood – IOTW Report

Missouri AG Files Lawsuit Against Planned Parenthood

Bailey accuses Planned Parenthood of trafficking minors across state lines for abortions in the lawsuit.

2 Comments on Missouri AG Files Lawsuit Against Planned Parenthood

  1. Good for Bailey.
    Start beating the nihilistic totalitarians with the cudgel of the “law.”
    There should be other angles to pursue, and other AGs in different states to pursue them.
    Why is PP getting public funds? Does the House expressly fund them? Then make it stop!

    Evil can do nothing without access to the endless funding by the taxpayers – all the wealth of the richest maggots on Earth cannot compare to the wealth being stolen through taxation (that’s mostly how the rich maggots got rich) and siphoned off to fund their nefarious schemes – THIS is how we pay for our own destruction.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

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