Robert Barnes breaks down the state of Pennsylvania’s persecution of Amos Miller the Amish farmer – IOTW Report

Robert Barnes breaks down the state of Pennsylvania’s persecution of Amos Miller the Amish farmer

They have been rationing food by telling Amos how much he can eat, how much he can feed his own family, and that he can not even feed his own pigs.

9 Comments on Robert Barnes breaks down the state of Pennsylvania’s persecution of Amos Miller the Amish farmer

  1. Sounds like typical underhanded tactics of goverment. As with “police protection” the insiatence of government monopoly does not in any way guarantee any form protection for the public.

  2. It’s about time someone stepped in to put an end to the Amish crime spree of car jackings, rape, murder, retail theft, smash and grab, looting, burning, riots, knockout games etc. etc.

  3. So – tyranny is the order of the day. Our government will never be satiated until they control or eliminate every living soul in this country. They have invaded every aspect of our lives. A non-intrusive small government with limited powers was the original intent of our founders. We no longer enjoy freedom or protection under the law. People who simply want to live their lives in peace, contribute to society and raise their families are oppressed through excessive taxation, over regulation and agenda driven policies forced upon us by petty politicians who care only about their self enrichment / promotion and accumulation of power. These people are sick and evil. The American people have tolerated far too much for far too long.


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