Arizona Residents Serve Maricopa County Board of Supervisors – IOTW Report

Arizona Residents Serve Maricopa County Board of Supervisors

(Natural News)—The entire Maricopa County, Ariz., Board of Supervisors was driven out of a recent meeting by a cohort of We the People who served them for treason.

Michelle “Miki” Klann, who spoke directly to the board, reported that every last scoundrel on the Maricopa County Board of Supervisors fled the room and “vacated their post” after citizens stormed the room and informed them about their personal liability in the 2020 election heist they oversaw.

13 Comments on Arizona Residents Serve Maricopa County Board of Supervisors

  1. The ONLY word for it is TREASON. Expecting any government entity to deliver “justice” to another government entity (especially when one corrupt entity is propping up/protecting the other) is beyond naive however.

  2. If our justice system were not corrupt and a couple of examples could be made of such public officials sending a strong message, such illegal behavior would be curtailed. After seven decades plus, I’ve learned that there are two strong motivators – hunger and fear of an untimely end (hanging).

  3. And meanwhile American’s who protested in Washington are still rotting in Jail for protesting. American Justice now is Durd World, thanks to democrats.

  4. Okay, if “served” after adjourning the meeting its more like left-winger drama. It needs to be backed by authority.

    So, yay, on principle, but is this sort of thing effective?

  5. ALL democRATS are nothing more that commie sucm, I don’t care if they are active in the party or just brain dead and vote democRAT because their family has always voted democRAT…FUCK EM, FUCK EM ALL!

  6. The Maricopa County Board of Supervisors are known: their faces, names, addresses.
    I expect to see and/or hear of some “strange fruit” next time I come to visit my mother.
    You, the citizens of Arizona and Maricopa County, have your assignments. Now carry them out.

  7. Interesting side note. I live in North Phoenix about 12 miles away from this incident. Im learning about this incident for THE FIRST TIME on a website meant for comedy set up by a gaggle of East Coast wise guys

    But then again, I havent read local papers or watched local news in a dog’s age.

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