Javier Milei Interview – IOTW Report

8 Comments on Javier Milei Interview

  1. Been watching the News
    Not me, you

    On msNBC
    Just Now
    Michael Moore, a fat turd
    Started crying because Trump
    Not Trump, Jews
    F’ng Jews and he hates them
    Moore I mean
    Moore Hates Jews
    Moore Loves Jews

    He is so conflicted

    He is tapping out

    and on FOX

    UBER CREEPS all night so far


    back to the SALT Mine

  2. Fox has a BEST OF repeat that is so relevant

    Clicked over to CNN
    Guess what
    Y C N M T S U P

    It was Candy Man Sammy D
    Talking about the Moulin Rouge
    And Mortgages
    And Vegas
    And Sin

  3. Nice interview. I also watched his CPAC speech. Milei is very erudite, so knowledgeable on the history of Marxism. His terminology is a little different from ours, which may make his message a little obscure, but on the whole he gets it and is reforming his government.


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