Wow! – IOTW Report


Word is not out yet on if Nikki Haley will declare a second-place moral victory after she collected ZERO delegate-equivalents in the Show-Me State. Trump SMASHES Nikki Haley 924-0 in Missouri… CRUSHES her in Idaho.

BTW, who is David Stuckenberg?

18 Comments on Wow!

  1. The deep state needs Nikki in the race so they can shift Trump votes to her in an attempt to hide the obvious upcoming election theft.
    The sole reason she’s still running.

  2. She also pulled a GWB. She is reneging on her promise to back GOP candidate in Nov! “Compassionate Conservative” went “NeoCommie” Ronny’s term – Neocon Cheney’s term – in 2001 “things have changed!

    Why I warned last week about “Bush Republican” Mitch last week!

    Bush folk have never had any decency nor honor! their word is meaningless; of no value!

  3. Stuckenberg was stuck on second, and never got home.

    Haley was counting on a Hail Mary pass, but fumbled badly.

    Trump scored 924 goals and shut out the other team.

  4. Remember, when they attack Trump, they are actually attacking you. This exposés the Republican establishment for who they are. There is no excuse to support them and every reason to oppose them.

  5. Taulking Head nailed it.

    But not just Never Trump Democrats. Bush Replicans, ordinary RINO’s, brainwashed, former mainstream Republicans, FED bankers, China’s Xi and CCP and military, Iran, various global elitists, and a whole lotta people who oughta have their butts wonked…

  6. I read an interesting take on nikki never giving up…. Plans might be to flop over to the “no labels” party in an effort to steal votes from PDJT as well as obidumb and no one receiving the requisite number of electors!


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