43% of adults worldwide obese – IOTW Report

43% of adults worldwide obese


The world is facing a big problem. A recent study from The Lancet suggested that one in eight people qualify as obese. And in 2022, more than one billion people — approximately 43% of adults — were living with obesity, according to researchers from the NCD Risk Factor Collaboration.

The number of adults who live with obesity has more than doubled since 1990. And among children between five and 19 years old, the obesity rate has quadrupled, according to a recent report by the World Health Organization. The data suggested that more than 390 million children within the age range were overweight in 2022, including 160 million who were living with obesity. more

32 Comments on 43% of adults worldwide obese

  1. Klaus, they will just deep fry the bugs in trans-fat (or cover them with lots of chocolate) in order to make the bugs more palatable and tastier and run convincing TV ads promoting the health benefits of eating deep fried bugs. And the lofo’s will gobble it up because the gubmint says it’s the healthy thing to do. Their ads could claim to eat more bugs since it’ll benefit mother erf.

  2. For my height I would have to be 210 lbs. to be considered Obese (I’m 185). I have been 210 lbs. before and felt overweight, but not obese. The word obese has lost it’s true meaning. To categorize someone as obese you should first have to say “Yikes!”

    Having said that, yeah, a lot of people are too fat.

  3. I guess this is an improvement. When I was growing up, 43% of the world population was starving. And there were a lot fewer people then. I’m waiting for an apology from Paul Erlich.

  4. Years ago this old dude at my swim club told me his definition of “too fat”; while naked, stand up straight and look down, if you can’t see your junk, you are fat. This has served me well ever since.

  5. Screen babies turn into fat kids who turn into fat adults.
    All I can picture are the scenes from Wall-e.
    And now you have the likes of Oprah out there promoting taking a pill instead of eating right and exercising

  6. I saw a video recently that talked about the dangers of Ozempic including stomach paralysis.

    But it starts with a question – what would you do if your fish tank were dirty?

    Change the water? Clean the tank? How crazy would that be? Of course the correct answer is – drug the fish!

    Not enough people are connecting the dots that our processed food diet is killing us or that government, big food and big pharma want us sick and obese Insulin ka-ching! Ozempic ka-ching! The average “healthy” 65 year old takes 7 prescription drugs. My doctor is dying to put my on something, anything. Ka-ching!

  7. I must not be average since I turned 71 today and the only medication that I take is for high blood pressure. And that I can get that under control by losing some weight which I need to do. I used to walk everywhere, Kirby and I need to go for more longer walks of at least a half hr. or so everyday. With the longer days now and warmer weather that should be easy enough to do.

  8. Mr Illustr8r and I observed this phenomenon during our local minor league hockey games. Soooo many large people scarfing down lotsa sodium rich fried foods during the game. One gentleman has quite the butt crack when he stands up, big belly and no butt so his pants are a constant worry of staying in place. Also, there are lotsa people with leg issues (walkers, crutches and canes) and trouble walking in general. It’s a puzzler!

    However, we are happy to sit amongst these folks and all their troubles than with with the richy rich blue haired obnoxious liberal high tech vegans who need a real meal that go to Kraken games.

  9. “I guess this is an improvement. When I was growing up, 43% of the world population was starving. ”

    I’m thinking there’s still the same percentage starving, there’s just a shit ton more fat Americans.

    6-1, 225. About a 6% body fat. And no it’s not due to my self discipline. LOL.

  10. @Brad

    They are probably using the stupid BMI indexes to rate obese. By this scale you would be considered borderline obese as would I being about an inch shorter. In my 50’s do high skill construction manual labor, can outwork anyone on a job site and lift or run on my days off. Simone Biles would be off the charts obese by stupid medical standards, Since covid I need a part sewn back on or dying unconscious to see any medical “professionals”

  11. wonky honky

    Never Slow Down Never Grow Old. I’m a believer. I’m 67. I feel like I’m 30. A gym rat and I out train everyone in the gym. I’m on my feet working all day as well. Not construction though. Keep an eye on those hormone levels. Why go through life being half what you could be.

  12. My knees went bad last century. Had to give up handball; then running; then jogging. I am 90 lb more than when I got my BA+BS. 110 more than when Mao’s boy shot me. (Corps “guarantees” 6 meals a week in “Indian country”! That was what we got 6 c rats week! ) When I was in Navy hospital Nang I saw myself in mirror for the first time. Looked like I lived in a Polish concentration camp – Aushwitz is the name. So I looked for a scale. Weight similar to what it was when I was 14!

    I have cut back on what I eat but clearly not enough. I do exercise – gym 3 days a week; swim 2 days. Pulse much higher than it’d was 20 years ago; but still a strong 49!

    I admit to being at least 50 too much. I clearly am, and have been for decades, in the 43% .Am also not really that worried; or Id eat more less!

  13. The number of overweight adults in a given crowd is hard enough to take, but seeing the obese kids is a lot tougher. I know so many of us here maybe had one chubby kid in our classrooms. Not any more.

    I try to avoid all doctors. I take aspirin for pain and that’s it. They all want to get you on some sort of drug. And pharma makes up “syndromes” and gives their drugs appealing names so that you can “tell your doctor”..to prescribe them. And when you look up these drugs there are at least two dozen major side effects. No thank you.


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